Chapter 1

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Jasmin's POV

Waking in the morning dreading another school day. I am in my last semester of high school just trying to make it out alive and maybe meet my mate. Not necessarily in that order. I have been praying to the Goddess above that my mate is from a different pack. I can't stay here, I can't stand it here. After brushing my teeth and washing my face. I throw on my school uniform, a white button-down shirt with a peter pan collar, and a knee-length navy plaid pleated skirt with a matching tie. I finish up by adding my navy blazer with the school crests on the pocket. I hate this uniform, it does nothing for my body type. That is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I will be a virgin when I meet my mate and a curse because he probably won't give me the time of day.

I like to stay as low-key as I can at school. Hoping that it will help make getting to graduation easier. I am not popular by any stretch of the imagination, but I do have friends. Payton and Paige are my friends. Payton is currently sexually ambiguous. He is one of those people that will not be labeled or categorized. It confuses me, but he is my friend and I love him. His mate will have their hands full. My other friend is his twin Paige and she's a beast. No other way to describe her. She always says what's on her mind and never allows anyone to run over her. They are fraternal twins not identical, both equally beautiful. Payton is 5'9 athletic build, very tone, and nicely cut. Paige is 5'7 and also a very athletic build but she has soft curves. They share the same beautiful milk chocolate complexion and perfectly straight white teeth.

As soon as I make it to class I take my seat next to Payton. Tabitha walks in shortly after and is immediately called by the popular kids. Tabitha or Tabby as her crew calls her, is almost perfect. She is tall with beautiful porcelain skin, cornflower blue eyes, golden blonde hair that falls to her mid-back, and she is built like a Victoria secret model. Her attitude is however is horrific, she could never actually be a Victoria's Secret model. She has no filter and has been known to fight the female pack members. I don't think that kind of behavior is tolerated by Victoria's Secret. Most of the people that are not in her crew avoid her like the plague. I am one of those people. People complain all the time, but the school has yet to do more than verbally reprimand her.

The popular kids in our school are called top crew simply because most of them are the kids of high-ranking pack members. They are also gorgeous, all of them looked like they stepped off some magazine cover or runway in Milan. Even Payton and Paige then there was me. Every one of the top members is between 5'7 and 6'4, I am 5'3. Not a girl among them breaks 120 pounds, I am 150. I don't think I'm fat at all. I love my body and all its curves. I take the time to appreciate it every night. I love my natural curly shoulder-length black hair, almond-shaped coffee brown eyes, caramel-colored skin, and even my stretch marks. I don't care that I am not considered traditionally beautiful, I love me. Besides I am hoping that my mate likes soft curvy women.

With that said, it hurts when Tabitha teases me. She never misses an opportunity to tell me how fat she thinks I am or whatever other flaws she can find. Payton and Paige think she is just jealous, but I'm not so sure. If Tabitha has her way she is going to be pack Luna. The Luna is like the pack mother, she cares for all and makes sure we have what we need. Tabitha only cares about Tabitha and maybe Jackson, since without him she will not be Luna. She is as far from a good Luna as you can get.

"I am surprised his dick hasn't fallen off yet." I giggle at the comment that Payton makes. She is a cold bitch, and I was kind of wondering the same thing myself. The only pack member that has seen more naked pack members than Tabitha is Dr. Jenkins. Jackson our future alpha. Is perfect if you like tall men built like a Greek god. At 6'4 and a solid 200 pounds of well-chiseled honey-colored marble. Most straight women's fantasy, mine included. He has an exotic look that didn't match his hazel eyes. I am sure it had something to do with his mother being Japanese and his father being American. I think he could be a good alpha, without Tabitha.

Our teacher walks in and immediately begins to talk before he could even set his stuff down. "OK class. Have a seat and let's get started. Let's discuss the upcoming senior trip. As you know we take you seniors and set you up in a cabin stocked with the basics to make it through the week to test your survival skills. There will be 6-7 in a cabin. You will need to practice your hunting and gathering skills to make sure that should the needs arise as a pack we can count on you. Some of you will be hunters, others will be gathers. This is an exercise to teach you the importance of every member and their skills. Yes I know we rarely need those skills anymore but what kind of wolf would you be without them. This will teach you that omegas are just as important as alpha in pack life. We leave Friday morning and will have a bonfire Saturday evening after assigning you to your cabins. You can rest on Sunday and then the test begins on Monday. If you make it out and have learned to deal well with others no fighting and everyone is healthy you pass. Any fighting amongst your team members or other teams will get you disqualified. Also, there will be two other high schools at the location this year, so an increased chance to meet your mate. It will also give experience in how we ally with other packs."

The day flew by and before I knew it, it was lunchtime. I only had to get my lunch and go to my regular spot to meet Paige and Payton. It should not have been too hard. Get in line, grab a meal, and go to my seat. Not what happens though. I walked into the cafeteria alone. I decided today was a good day for a cheeseburger and fries. As soon as I paid for my food someone shoved me from the back knocking my food out of my hands.

"Oops, looks like I just saved you from a heart attack, your welcome." The annoyingly nasally voice of Tabitha. "You could say thank you." She crossed her arms over her chest and stared down at me with her evil grin.

I am so sick of her. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves before I answer. "You just wasted my money and my food why would I thank you?" Bending I attempt to clean the mess she made. I know she isn't going to do and I don't think it's fair for the school janitor to have to deal with it. I can already see him going to get what he needs to clean up the mess.

As soon as I hit the ground I felt a sharp pain in my ribs and doubled over. Tabitha had just kicked me hard enough to knock the wind out of me. Finding it hard to catch my breath I can hear her yelling at me. "YOU STUPID FAT BITCH!!!" Every word was another kick to my ribs. I felt it when one of my ribs cracked. "SAY THANK YOU!!! I SAVED YOUR LIFE!!!" All I could do was tuck myself into a tight ball and try to protect my internal organs. I hate her and this school. No one stepped up to stop her or help me.

Then I heard it, the voice of my friend as she punched the hell out of Tabitha. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!?!?!" Tabitha never hit the ground but she did stop hitting me while Payton helped me up. "You are ALL some piss poor pack members for watching this WHORE beat on your pack member. YOU FUCKING DISGUST ME!!!" Paige glared at all the pack members that watched instead of help.

I never felt weaker than I did when Paige has to save me from anything. I know I have to do better defending myself, but fighting is just not my strong suit. As I lean against Payton I can see Tabitha holding her face. "Who do you think you are? I am your future luna and deserve your respect!" She growls out to Paige with her voice dripping contempt. However, I notice she is nowhere near as aggressive with Paige as she is with me.

"But you are not my Luna and fucking the future alpha and his friends won't make you a luna. It only makes you a stupid whore that will be too well used to please her mate." Paige never had an issue with speaking her mind. She was always found a way to hit Tabitha's nerve with her comments. "Your just mad nobody wants you because you are manly and have no class!!!" This made Payton and Paige laugh. "At least when I find my mate he will be able to hold his head up with pride. Instead down in shame wondering if I fucked his father." With that Payton carries me to the nurse's office.

There was really nothing Tabitha could say. It was not a secret that she had been with many of our pack members including Jackson, Tyler, and Richie. The future leaders in our pack and often at the same time.  

A/N: Hello beautiful people. 😁 I hope all is well with you and yours.  I apologize for taking this story down without notice. I felt that the story was rushed and it felt incomplete to me. I have made some minor changes in this chapter mostly editing. In the next chapters, you may find more changes. 

"If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be." Mya Angelou

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