Transfer student

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idk where to start so ill start to where i made the school called tokiwadai the school is for all students which means boys can also transfer.

misaka's point of view:

i was sitting in a bench when i heard a bunch of students whispering about somehow a new student and their a level 5?.. anyway the bell started ringing so i went to class ofc.

teacher: okay class we have a new student Suzushina Yuriko you may come in

students: wonder who that is!..

students: oh i hope their hot!

misaki: new student! did you hear that misaka - san?

misaka: ofc i did

misaki: they say that their a level 5!

misaka: oh really? okay


*a skinny guy who has a cold face that has white hair and red eyes hands in pocket walks in the class and introduces himself*

misaka: ACCELERATOR??!! WHAT! YOU?!?! *misaka shouted as she stand up in her chair*

teacher: misaka whats your problem?!?! do you not have any respect?! sit down!

misaka: i-im sorry!

misaki: what was that for?!?!

misaka: it doesn't matter.

misaki: mhm if u say so..?

accelerator: great that brat is here? whatever *accelerator thinks to himself as he stands at the front of the class*

teacher: im sorry about that but please introduce yourself.

Accelerator: tch, im Suzushina Yuriko i prefer accelerator, im the first level 5 esper,  my ability is vector manipulation

students: FIRST LEVEL 5 ESPER?!?!

teacher: o-okay you may sit next to mikoto misaka

accelerator/misaka: what?!?!

misaka: what the hell! *she whispers to herself*

*the albino boy with his hands in his pocket walks to his seat*

misaka: what are you doing here?!?!??

accelerator: does it have to do anything with you.?!

olayy so let us proceed to our class!

-after class-

misaka's point of view:
the class was over i grabbed my bag and i headed out of the classroom i was going back to my dorm to see accelerator going as the same way towards my dorm just to see that he was my dorm neighbor

misaka: WHAT?! your in the same class with me now your my dorm neighbor!?!?!

accelerator: yeah and the first thing ill ever see in the morning is your annoying loud ass mouth self

misaka: yeah right! jerk!

accelerator: tch brat

*misaka slaps the door as she walks in her dorm*

kuroko: GAHH! you startled me sissy!

misaka: ehe sorry..

kuroko: anyway you seem mad whats wrong?

misaka: nothing *she smiles*

kuroko: you know i can always help?.

misaka: its nothing really..

kuroko: okay if u say so..
somethings wrong.. oh well
*she thinks to herself*

kuroko: anyway i heard there's a new student in our school!, and its a level 5 esper

misaka: yup, and he's in my class.

kuroko: wait really?!? wow cool!

misaka: not really.. *she thought to herself* apparently he's the first level 5 esper, the vector manipulator.

kuroko: HE'S THE WHAT?!?!

misaka: i said the first powerful level 5 esper accelerator!

kuroko: wha- what is he doing in our school?!?!

misaka: how would i know

kuroko: right! eheh

accelerator's point of view:
i enrolled to this school just to see that third rate brat plus she's my neighbor great.

Arthur's note:

hey! the first chapter is doneeeeeee oh and i haven't completed a certain scientific accelerator so i might now know some stuff ill only add the ones i know that i watched from a certain scientific railgun and a certain magical index oki byee

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