missing last order

859 26 2

im coming! *misaka says as she walks towards them, accelerator walks with her*

i would like the strawberry flavor please! thank you! says misaka misaka as misaka tells the person the flavor!

i would like the same as misaka says misaka gets the same flavor as misaka

what would you like big sister?!? misaka misaka says as she asks what ice cream big sister wants!

i'd like the same as you guys

ice cream guy: okay here!

thank you misaka misaka says as she thanks the cashier

*they all take their ice creams btw accelerator didn't want any they payed their ice creams*

oi brat lets go

noooo i wanted to spend more time with big sister!!

well i wanted to go shopping, i was thinking you guys could come with me

awh accelerator please!! says misaka misaka begging for accelerator



*those two fought for awhile*

fine! you brat!

yay lets go big sister!

eheh okay then lets go

so where do you want to go?

the arcade! says misaka misaka answers big sister

*they walk to the arcade*

*gasp* i want the gekota plushie misaka misaka says as she puts the vending machine

*misaka puts a coin and starts to play*

okay then

*she tries one of the gekota but keeps losing*

grrrr seems like i have no choice *she mumbled*

*she uses her electro to control the vending machine and managed to get alot of gekotas≖‿≖*

woahh thats alot says misaka misaka as she was surprised that big sister was able to get alot of the plushies

heh here

thank you says misaka misaka as she receives the gokota plushies


you can have the pink gekota   says misaka misaka to thank you for the plushies

*gasp* really? thank you!
*misaka accepted last orders offer with stars in her face*

tch, retarded frog.

uhm excuse me! gekota is not retarded, and atleast its better than you! moppy head!

did you just compare me to that stupid frog!? you third string!

yeah i did, so what?


guys! i want to go to that roller-coaster!

-in the roller-coaster-

sorry your not allowed to ride

awhh its okay you guys can go!

no *accelerator replied quickly*

why? you scared of rides? *she chuckled*

what?! no!

yeah right *she teased him while going to the ride*

tch whatever.

*the ride starting*

WOOAAH! *misaka screams*

yeah yeah *accelerator said grumpy*

*the roller coaster started going in circles*


*ride ended*

that was fun! *misaka cheerfully said*

whatever *accelerator said looking like he was going to throw up*

hey accelerator!

what?! *he said grumpily*

last orders missing! *she said worriedly*

sh*t where did that brat go again?!?!

its my fault, i shouldn't have stayed with her!

no its not your fault so shut up and instead of blaming yourself go find her instead you idiot!


*they looked around to find last order*

Enemies To Lovers (mikoto misaka x accelerator fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now