The start

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???:"hurry up and get him boss will have our heads if we dont"

???2: "I know, we have a code red experiment 22456 has escaped, I repeat experiment 22456 has escaped, once again I-"

???3:"We get it let's just hurry up and get him"

'I need to keep running...don't look back at all..find a way out then carry on running don't ever stop till this place is far away from us I'll have to blend in with a crowd once I see one'

???: 'hurry up, we're nearly out just keep going'

'I smell fresh air...ha..ha..hahaha we're out...we made it...we're free'

???:"dammit we lost him"

???2:"ummm...soooo who's gonna explain to the boss we lost 'im cause I'm not at all"


???::"I will you idiots"

???: 'we need to find shelter right now and food I'm hungry'

Ok, ok lemme just close my eyes for a sec I'm tired

???:'don't you dare close your eyes, stay awake and look for some people to help'

Yeah I will...ok let's go.

Experiment 22456 or as known as the 'missing' child izuku midoriya wasn't really missing unfortunately he got sold by his mother to a bunch of villans that called themselves 'doctors'. You see when he was 4 he got told he was quirkless and his mother started abusing him and neglecting him making him fend and cook for himself.

Katsuki's pov

Zuku missed school yesterday since he had to go to the quirk doctor to find out his quirk, I'll bet it'll be awesome but not as awesome as my explosions.

Today izuku came back but he came back gloomy all the extras surrounded him asking about his quirk as soon as they asked that he looked like he was gonna cry and no one makes Zuku cry and gets away with it I'll beat all of those extras up anyway izuku told them he was quirkless and they started calling him useless and a deku.

Zuku went to the book corner with a frown on his face so I made it my mission to make him happy.

Katsuki:"hey zuku" I shouted and he turned around and looked up frowning more

Izuku:"o-oh hey k-kacchan what's u-up"

He stuttered and that's not the odd thing...the odd thing is when he stutters he sounds happy and had a happy gleam in his eyes but now he sounds sad and the happy glint isn't there not good I decided to carry on talking to him to make him happy

Katsuki:"nothin much that's for sure but you don't look fucking happy"

(If you read my old version you should know there is swearing)

Izuku:"kacchan! Language! (you muffin head -I'm bbh (badboyhalo for those who don't know))

I just scoffed and kicked a book I can never stay angry at zuku it's just impossible

Katsuki:"so why are you upset Zuku and don't lie"

He sighed and looked me in my eye and said

Izuku :"I'm quirklessandthatmeanswecantbecometheheroduotogetherimsososorry" (I'm quirkless and that means we can't become the hero duo together I'm so so sorry)

Zuku started to cry and it broke my heart so I ran to him and gave him a big hug ,I could hardly if he was quirkless even if they are told that they are worse than people with useless quirks I still think they can become heroes they just have to work harder but they won't be better than me

Katsuki:"zuku that doesn't mean anything you can and will still be a hero just not better than me cause Ima be the number one hero better than all might and you'll be my sidekick better than all might's sidekick ok"

He started to cry more thanking me over and over again now this is the zuku I know the crybaby with a heart of gold who's pure and definitely a angel.

3rd pov

It was a few minutes after school and izuku and katsuki was waiting for their mothers to pick them up if izuku was honest he didn't want to go home at all he'd rather stay with katsuki forever.

A hour had passed and katsuki already went with his mom mitsuki Bakugou, katsuki was a carbon copy of his mother the attitude and looks said it all. Izuku knew his mother wasn't coming but he had to wait till katsuki and mitsuki left to walk home.

As izuku slowly walked home he saw a mugging in an alley way he wanted to help but he was just a little kid unfortunately the mugger saw izuku and ran towards him with a knife. Izuku closed his eyes and waited for the pain but it never came he opened his eyes and was met with the mugger covered in some cloth with a man behind him, izuku immediately knew who it was his favourite hero Eraserhead

You see when izuku found out he was quirkless he started to analyse hero's quirks and found out there was a hero who basically fought quirkless so izuku was dedicated to become like him the hero Eraserhead.

Since he couldn't fight he decided to join a dojo and learning different fighting techniques and make his own one up so he joined a dojo without his mom knowing.

Hey its the end of the chapter
Izuku is gonna be a single insomniac sassy sinnamon roll
Bakugou will be with kiri I guess
Jirou with who ever you decide
And shinsou with who ever you decide
Also erasermic and hotwings
Hawks will be like izuku's older sibling so will toga and Dabi
Toga and dabi will be vigilantes

Now to when I'll update this and start and update my other book

Angel's escape- Mondays and Wednesdays

Naruko the kistune spirit- Fridays and sundays

Bye my muffins insomniac freak out

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