A rough start

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The school bell echoed through the halls signalling that class had ended. Ren stood up from her seat stretching her arms out yawning. What a long boring day, Ren thought gathering her stuff. 

“Tired?” A voice from beside her asked. It was Iwa. 

“Haha… yeah. Class was so long and boring.” She said. He laughed a bit at her response then gathered his things and stood up from his desk. He looked over to see what his other friend had been up to while he had been talking to Ren. Oikawa was very busy as he had a bunch of girls around him. He then glanced over at Ren who was now glaring at her friend cruising all the girls who were around him. 

“Leave him. He’s not worth your time.” He said, pulling Ren along with him. 

“R-right.” She said her arm breaking free of Iwaizumi’s grasp. “Jeez, you have such a strong grip Iwa.” She said shaking her arm. 

“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He said looking down at her. 

She laughed a bit then said, “Your fine don’t worry. I can take it!” She then flashed a peace sign and smiled at him. He laughed a bit. 

“Yeah yeah.” He said. The two friends then headed outside to eat lunch together. 

“So he’s just ignoring you?” Mitsuki Tao asked. 

“Ugh, yea. He just talks to his dumb fangirls. I know I shouldn’t say this, but those girls drive me crazy. I hate them!” Ren said. She Mitsuki and Iwa were eating lunch together. Oikawa would normally join them but he was too busy talking to hoards of girls. 

“You're not the only one. I've had to deal with this for years.” Iwa said. 

“Oikawa really should get his act together,” Mitsuki said, glaring at her food. 

“Well, now that's not very nice Tao-chan,” Oikawa said who had finally decided to show up. 

“Well, well, well. Look who finally came. Did your fangirls ditch you?” Mitsuki said, looking coldly at Oikawa. He glared at her then sat down on the grass next to Iwaizumi. 

“Iwa-chan save meeee” Oikawa whined. 

“You did show up twenty minutes late. Your fault, not mine.” Iwa said. He continued to eat his lunch then glanced up at Ren. She was staring down at her food, her bangs partly covering her eyes. She looked like she rather be anywhere else than where she was now. Her blue eyes then looked up directly into his dark green ones. She brushed her bangs slightly out of the way then looked at him, her expression mellow and uncomfortable. 

“Hey, Shittykawa.” Iwaizumi said, looking over at Oikawa. 

“What is it?” Oikawa said angrily he didn’t like Iwaizumi’s tone. 

“You should apologize,” Iwa said bluntly looking over at Ren. Mitsuki then looked up. She glanced over at Ren who was now very uncomfortable. Oikawa looked confused as to why he had to apologize seeing as he hadn't done anything. 

“For what?” Oikawa asked. He then looked up and stopped staring at his food. He then realized how uncomfortable Ren was. She just wished Oikawa would stop avoiding her and all he cared about was his dumb fangirls. But having everyone's attention on her was worse. 

“You’ve been avoiding Sakura since the first day of school. We can all tell.” Iwa said. 

For the first time in ages Ren spoke up, “It’s fine really… I already know why anyway.” 

Oikawa then put his hand behind his neck awkwardly then said, “I didn’t mean to avoid you really… It just sort of... Happened.” Ren looked at him not knowing what to say. 

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