Chapter 5

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When the cab arrived at Serena's apartment complex, she paid the driver before she and Fennekin got out of the car. She peaked through the front door window to the building to make sure Tierno wasn't in the hallway before she and Fennekin went in and took the stairs to the second floor. As soon as they entered their apartment, Serena took off her coat and hat and went into the kitchen. She filled a bowl of Pokemon food, put it on the floor for Fennekin, and then took out a container of leftover toast and fruit from a previous breakfast.

As Serena sat down on the table and ate a watermelon, she thought about the Christmas party with the Ketchums. She smiled as she thought of the fun she had with the family and looked down to look at her new sweater. She turned to Fennekin, who was still wearing its new sweater as well as it ate its food.

"Did you have fun last night, Fennekin?" Serena asked.

"Fennekin," Fennekin answered with a smile.

"I'm glad," Serena said, smiling back. "Calem's really lucky to have such a loving family."

After Serena finished her breakfast, she walked over to the bedroom and plopped onto her bed. She tried to think of something to do on her day off, but all she could think about was Calem's family. She imagined Calem waking up and falling in love with her, and then they get married, making her an official member of the family. Maybe she would help Calem get back in touch with his family since they hadn't heard from him in a while. Serena's cheeks turned red as she thought about her and Calem having children with their own family sweaters that Delia, Dawn, and Mimey made.

Serena rolled to her side, still lost in her little world, until she noticed the box containing Calem's stuff. She debated with herself before she stood up, picked up the box, dumped the contents onto her bed, and sat down in front of them. Serena first opened Calem's briefcase, finding only legal documents. She figured she wouldn't find anything special, but she liked how her crush was so well organized with his work stuff. She then looked at his wallet and saw a picture of Calem and Ash when they were little.

"Aw, that's adorable," Serena said.

She laid down on her back with her head on her pillow before looking through the other pictures. To her surprise, the rest of them were pictures of Calem himself. One was a picture of him on a yacht, another was him posing after playing tennis, and the last one was him on top of a boulder in hiking clothes, shaking his fists into the air.

"Looks like he likes looking at himself. I guess that's one thing we have in common," Serena said with a giggle. "And best of all, there are no pictures of any women that might be this Miette person...unless she's the one taking the pictures."

Serena frowned as the thought occurred to her that Calem might still be dating Miette. She sighed and dropped the wallet before sitting up to look at Calem's keys. She browsed through them just for the fun of it until she noticed a gold key that had an inscription: 481516 Garcia Drive Apt 2332.

"Wow, he lives in Garcia Drive? That must be expensive," Serena said.

Finally, Serena took the brown paper bag lying next to the briefcase and opened it to reveal a can of Pokemon food. She smiled as she took the can out of the bag and started wondering who is Calem's Pokemon partner before she gasped.

"Oh my gosh!" She shouted.

Serena stuffed the can back into the paper bag, grabbed Calem's keys, jumped out of her bed, and raced to the living room, where Fennekin was lying down on the couch after finishing its breakfast.

"Fennekin, I'm going out for a little bit," Serena said.

"Fen?" Fennekin asked.

"I just found out that Calem has his Pokemon partner left at his apartment," Serena explained while putting on her hat and coat. "It hasn't been fed for two days because of his coma."

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