Chapter 11

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It was Saturday afternoon, and Gray typed on the computer at the reception desk in the Garcia Drive apartment complex. Only a couple of the people living in the building came in or out, for most of them wanted to stay home and enjoy the weekend.

Just then, a woman close to her thirties came inside and walked straight toward the elevators without acknowledging the doorman. She had short dark blue hair and was wearing sunglasses. She walked down the hall as though she owned the place, feeling superior with her high heels that made up her five-and-a-half-feet tall height and her expensive black suit that complimented her short waist and her chest above average size. Gray looked up from the computer to notice her, and he hurried over to her before she reached the elevators.

"Excuse me, ma'am, what apartment are you going to?" He called out.

The woman stopped walking and huffed before turning to Gray. She took off her sunglasses and examined him from top to bottom with her brown eyes before looking him in the eyes with a condescending look.

"You're new here," she said bluntly.

"Uh, yes, ma'am. I am," Gray confessed.

"Then let me make this simple for you," Miette said. "I'm going to Calem Ketchum's apartment, and no announcement will be necessary."

"I'm afraid I still need a name," Gray said.

"Miette Johanna Gulia," Miette announced with pride. "I'm Calem Ketchum's fiancee."

Gary stared at the dark blue-haired woman for a couple of seconds before he started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Miette asked.

"You're not his fiancee," Gray answered.

"Yes, I am," Miette answered.

"No, you're not," Gray said. "I met his real fiancee, and you look nothing like her."

Miette's left eye twitched, and she stood still for a few seconds before she gave the poor doorman a black look that sent shivers down his spine.

"His real fiancee?"


Back at the hospital, Joy was in Calem's room, helping him get up from his bed and putting him in a wheelchair. The light black-haired man's legs wobbled with each step, not used to standing up again apart from whenever he needed to use the restroom. As Joy was slowly helping him to his chair, Ash, and Pikachu, walked in with the former carrying a cooler lunch box on his shoulder.

"Heya, champ, how're you doing?" Ash greeted.

"Great," Calem replied with a chirpy attitude. "They're moving me to the second floor. They say I'll be discharged as soon as tomorrow."

"That's great," Ash said. "We'll have a party for you once we get home."

"I'm looking forward to it," Calem said.

"Hey, Joy, is it alright if I drive him?" Ash asked.

"Sure. I'll meet you two downstairs," Joy said.

The nurse walked ahead of the two men and Pikachu, and Ash began pushing the wheelchair to the elevator. Pikachu hopped off Ash's shoulder and landed on Calem's lap. Calem smiled and pet Pikachu affectionately as though it was his own Pokemon partner.

"You're pretty cheerful today," Ash said.

"Of course, I am," Calem said. "I feel happy to be alive."

"That's good," Ash said. He checked to ensure none of the doctors or nurses were around and then opened the lunchbox to take out a small carton of ice cream and a plastic spoon. "By the way, I brought you some Vanillite Swirl."

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