the REAL adventure pt.2

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It was morning and the sun was beaming down into nagisa's eyes, cuddled up next to him was jataro still peacefully sleeping in the nice warm sun after that freezing night. Nagisa woke him up and told him to get ready to get back to the garage, so they did just that. "Where are they?" Masaru said while sitting boredly at the garage, "I think they are dead..." kotoko replied, "well if they are dead, I think we should start repopulati-" masaru said as kotoko put her hand on his mouth, "WE ARE 12 U DING BAT!" kotoko yelled with disgust. "You have a point." Masaru said. Right after they were done with that situation, nagisa and jataro burst through the door drenched in sweat because once again the sun is crazy hot today. "DANG IT!!" Masaru yelled when they came in. "YAYYY, NO REPOPULATING THE EARTH!" kotoko screamed out with joy "ewww u smell like masarus socks!" Kotoko yelled. "EW YEAH!" Masaru said. "WELL IM SORRY I HAD TO GO OUT THERE WITH MR. SUICIDAL ZOMBIE IN A STINKY WORLD THAT SMELLS LIKE A GIANT WET DON TOOK A SHAT!!" Nagisa said with pure anger. "geez nagisa chill out." Masaru said. "Wait- who is the suicidal zombie?.....oh me...." jataro then said. After that they went down to the lake with bathing suits and washed them selves up. After that they went to an abandoned grocery store and picked up stuff and went around the dead silent town
No one was sweating except nagisa. " nagisa why dont you take your scarf off, then you will be cooler." Kotoko said, "oh no I'm good." Nagisa replied then quicker that ever masaru went up behind nagisa and snatched his scarf right off. "JDHVDXHXJ WHY DO U HAVE A RAINBOW PIN ON YOUR  SHIRT, ARE YOU GAY OR SOMETHING?!?!" Masaru screamed at nagisa, "N-NO IM NOT!!" Nagisa fastly replying with a huge blush on his face.....

What will happen next?

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