Introduction of characters

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Hello im writing this in 5th period. So welcome to my story about mcyters with abilities that are randomly selected from my brain here are the ones I've thought of so far ( I will add more ) :

TommyInnit: the ability to control/emit light and lighting.

Details: has wings cuz why not. Has a cracked eye from training with Tubbo.

Tubbo: has the ability to change the weather and control animals ( plants, bugs, animals, and trees)

Details: has a round necklace with each season on it.

Technoblade: has the ability to make monsters out of anything but to activate the monster he needs to use his or someone's blood. That's why he's friends with Wilbur.
( Trees, grass, the ground, glass, etc)

Details: Doesn't have a mask. Has lots of messy hair. Has hair that reaches his shoulder. Has teeth that poke out of his mouth.( Idk how to explain)
Is a pig hybrid.

Wilbur: ( I'm useing his ghostbur and villan arc characters. I call em characters) has healing abilities but when he's in a fight or a fight tournament he goes crazy ( villan arc) every healer has a word that that will kick them out of their dangerous trance. After that they will either become nicer ( ghostbur ) or just be normal and heal the person they fought.

Details: has his glasses
( Idk what to add)

Dream: has the ability to make himself into liquid and can make any liquid into and object. He also has a little friend DreamXD. He's not the best friend considering he keeps diapering from time to time, dreams friends have said that he changed for the worst when he found his new friend.

Back story for mask :)
when he was a kid he wanted a pet so he got some coffee and made one but as he made it coffee burned half of his face. He decided to use his ointment and made a mask out of it. Over the years he's been healing his face. Also his pet was the blob and it's still with dream.

Niki: has the ability to transform into any person she knows and she can use their powers.

Details: has medivel overalls.
Has a pouch over her shoulder's.

Eret!!!: Time manipulation. During tournaments he can sneak up on his opponent.

Details: is very tall. Has a nicer outfit than the other's.

Fundy: he can shape shift into any animal he wants. He can also have any animal feature on his body. ( Sorry if this is not creative)

Details: is friends with Eret.
( No shipping :) )
Is really smart.

Schlatt: the ability to enter someone body and control them he can also use their powers when he's in their body.

Bbh: necromancy. Look it up. He can also turn into a demon

Details: has a cloak. He also has his glasses

Skeppy: Reality warping . Again look it up

Details: idk

Sapnap: nuclear power.

Details: doesn't really know how to use his power( phew)

Quakity: Precognition. He can see into the future whenever he wants.

Details: has a blue cap.
None knows what his hair looks like

KarlJacobs: telekinesis and time traveling. His telekinesis dosen't get used often unless he forgets something.
his time traveling he almost never uses considering it causes the user to lose memories of their own life and who they are.

Details: has a really colorful cloak

Ranboo: teleportation.

Details: he looks like irl ranboo not Minecraft skin ranboo

Philza( P.E teacher ): has the ability of illusions. This is the reason his is the P.E teacher so he could help train the students.

Details: he has the robe that people draw him in.

Callahan: he's the principal

( That's it for now I'll add more later. Also for their design's think of medivel village outfits each of them are brown with their belts being there favorite color.
You can imagine the details on their outfits. Also this story is just for fun but if you want a climax request some and I'll try my best to write it but for the most part this'll be like a oneshots book with plot
Anyways hope you enjoy this will be fun (・∀・)

- ProperToast

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