Chp. 2 part two

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It was almost 7:40 so Tommy and Tubbo started running twords the bus stop. They had decided that they were going to talk to the guys that bumped into them. As they were running Tommy saw out the corner of his eye that a guy was stareing him and Tubbo. When they stoped running Tommy was going to give that guy a piece of his mind but Tubbo began to introduce himself.

" hello! My name is Toby but you can call me Tubbo."
Tubbo said as he held out his hand to the guy in sunglasses.

" uh hello Tubbo my names Eret and this is my friend Fundy. Sorry about bumping into you guys we were have a race but Fundy cheated."
Eret said as he shook Tubbos and pointed at Fundy.

" you never said i coulden't turn into a fast animal. Im just useing my brain man. And uh what's with the wings is it related to you powers or something."

" I uhh don't know."  Tommy said as he scratched the back of his neck and slightly opened his wings.

" wait were you the fox that ran past us. I thought Eret was chasing like his pet or something."
Eret and Tommy started to laugh as Fundy looked a bit offended.


" wait so whats your power Fundy."

" uhhh shapeshifting whats yours."

" uh its hard to explain."

After Fundy asked Tubbo about his powers it turned into a disscusion and a demonstration of their powers. Tubbo had made the sky cloudie and windy for split second and it kinda scared the people around them.
Fundy had turned into a fox real quick and Eret had said he had the ability to stop time but it seem more like teleportation. Then it was Tommy's turn to show his power but he had never trained before so he just explained his power to them.

It was now 7:40 and everyone was waiting for..... Well they didn't know what they were waiting for but they were expecting a bus. A few minutes past by and nothing was happening except for a guy in a white and black mask that some how appeared next to techno.

It was almost 8:00 when a tall man with antlers and super man mask stood in the road and  looked at his hand. Then he raised his hand over his hand and made transparent light blue box that made words appear.

' hello new students I am Mr. Callahan. The principal of your school. Now you may have been expecting a bus or a car I guess. But since no one exactly knows where our school is I will have to escort you myself. now everyone please come towards the road.'

Everyone began to walk twords the man or I mean principal. Then the man held out his hands. Backed away. And teleported everyone to the school ground's.
When they got there some of them were dizzy and some even fell over. The feeling was weird. They basically just traveled at the speed of light so it made sense that some of them would feel sick. And sometimes it can trigger some abilities. One guy was teleporting all over until the principal helped and began to speak again.

' welcome to your new school. This is where you will be spending the next few years here you will be training your abilities and learning about the world of magic.'

Ayyyy hello.
Part two done hope you like.
Also I will be adding POV's for almost everyone.
I will also be adding people from hermitcraft to be teachers and maybe students also smp live people.( But that's for something special;) )

- ProperToast

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