Chapter 1

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Hello wonderful readers!!
Just a quick disclaimer:

All characters and story plot are mine.

I came up with this story a few years ago and started writing it but never got to far. So when I found it in my files the other day I decided why not post it and see what happens!

Not sure how this will go but we will see!😂😅
Hope you guys enjoy my story!


When Eva was six years old she was in a car accident. All she remembers from that day was walking up to see blue and red flashing lights, people scrambling about and a voice calling out to her. Next thing she knew, she was lying in a hospital bed confused and alone. Both her parents died that night. Years later Eva was walking alongside the street.  Her long, blond hair had been pulled up into a messy bun to keep from getting in her face as the wind blew. She turned the corner and opened the door to the small coffee shop she worked at. As she took a step inside she was taken back and stumbled a bit. She looked back to notice that her long dark green cardigan had gotten caught on the door. She tried pulling it out only to find she had ripped it and caused a hole. Eva sighed and made her way to the back. 

  "What happened to you?" Asked Eva's good friend, and co-worker, Tammy.

    "Don't ask." Said Eva. She grabbed her apron and followed Tammy to the from counter to start her shift.   
"So, how's school going?" Asked Tammy while preparing an order for a customer.

    "It's fine, I guess." Eva replied. "I'm in my junior year of college. It's not that exciting." She sighed, picking up a clean rag and started wiping down tables.

"You got a boyfriend yet?" Tammy asked smirking with one eyebrow up. Eva rolled her eyes at the question.

"No Tam. You know that." Eva replied exasperatedly.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt you to look for one." Tammy told her. "Having one might make you a little less lonely and maybe less grumpy." She said, pouting her lips out at Eva.

A few hours later the girls were closing up the shop.    
"Hey, after we are done here wanna go grab a drink?" Asked Tammy.

    "Love too, but can't. I have another shift here tomorrow morning and i have a tutoring session straight after that." Eva explained.

    "Girl, you work too hard. When was the last time you just did something for yourself?" Said Tammy.

    "With all my classes, and homework I already don't have enough time. But then I'm also having to work two jobs just to be able to pay off my school tuition and pay for my apartment. I don't have time to just spend on myself." Eva exclaimed.

The girls finished closing up and headed their separate ways. On her way home Eva just thought about all the things she had to do before Monday. She also knew the rent was due in the next few days. Eva's parents were not very well off, so when they died there was not much for them to leave to her. After they died Eva was put into foster care. She bounced from one bad home to another. Eva had been through so much so she eventually just gave up. She figured that it would be easier just to be alone. So when Eva turned eighteen she was granted emancipation. She got a job and was accepted into a small school. She had made a life for herself. When Eva got to her apartment she immediately began getting ready for bed. She had had class that morning then went straight to work. April had just begun, that meant summer would start soon. That night Eva just sat on her bed and thought to herself, she thought about what Tammy had mentioned earlier about her being lonely and needing a boyfriend. Eva sighed. She couldn't argue with her about her being lonely, she had no family to speak of and her only real friend was Tammy. She was never really one to make friends easily. She would make an acquaintance very now and then when she would have to do a group project at school, or she would work with a new part timer at the coffee shop, but it would never last too long. Sometimes they would lose interest, but most of the time Eva would get scared. She would close up and they would end up leaving in the end. But Tammy was too persistent. Even when Eva would start to shut down Tammy would only push harder. She knew that Eva needed someone, because no one should be completely alone.

The next morning, Eva woke up and headed to the coffee shop. After her shift, she made her way over to the nearby library, and just like every Saturday Eva has a high school student that she tutors for an hour and a half. Then after that she pulls out her own school work and works for the rest of the day. She had a set schedule for every day of the week.

To be continued...


I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter! Please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought and if I should keep going with this story.

And if you have not already seen it, go check out my other story "Mate Unwanted"!

Much love!💜✨
~Faye the day

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