Nightmare or reality?

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Yuto thought it was a little too quiet in the hideout he walked out the office looking around for any signs of yuya, yugo, or yuri but didn't see any of them

He felt something was off and started walking around until he came across what looked like his friend covered in blood but still breathing with a note by him

His feet carried him running to yuri and putting pressure on the wound as he tied up a cloth on it and took the letter viewing it

He looked around for yuya and yugo but no signs of them not even a leftover piece of hair was on the ground which made him worry

Did they find their hideout and hurt his friend then took yuya and yugo all without even him hearing a single peep or noise

He grew even more worried because yuya was pregnant and she cant be harmed in any way for the babies sake

Yuto ran back to his friend to see that he was completely missing now he looked all around every room for him

Just then a errie feeling washed down his back he felt as if a presence was behind him as he didn't want to turn around at all

Slowly he turned around seeing yuri with blood everywhere all over his face body hands and legs he backed away a bit as words came from his mouth

"Yuto wake up.. yuto? Yuto wake up"

Yuto finally woke up off instinct he took his gun pointing it at yuya before gasping and quickly moving it away and holding his head

"Sorry" he said

"Its oki did u have a bad dream" she asked holding him

"Yea sorry if i worried u i Don't normally have nightmares" he said smiling

Yuya smiled a bit and hugged him before placing food on his desk and he smiled putting his gun away and apologized to yuya once again as she was clearly forgiving him

She then left as yuto held his head and sighed in relief if he hadn't seen yuya with his own eyes would've he had shot her

He shook his head and thought of the nightmare he had was it a warning something could happen or just a dream he was imagining

Either way he was glad he was woken up or he would've seen something that shouldn't had been seen he then turned to the food on the desk and began to eat

Yuto took his phone out and texted yuri as he had the spoon in his mouth as he then received a text back he sighed in more relief

"Thx god his alive and i can hear yugo it must be a warning for something or was it all just a coincidental nightmare" he said to himself

**well im ending it here hope yall enjoyed until next time bye**

Vampire neko (remake) (yuya x yuto) (yugo x yuri)Where stories live. Discover now