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The young girl rushes into her room with new found energy after a delicious breakfast. She scampers over to her toy chest, and digs through it, looking for her favorite dolls. She then eagerly sits down on the floor, toys in hand, ready to create. With a child's care, she delicately arranges her dolls, thinking about what story she wants to tell today. She looks around the room, carefully deciding what props and scenery from her vast collection to use. Her eyes land on the purple doll house sitting nearest to her. Crawling over to it, she smiles as she prepares her newest tale.

The mother sits at the table, setting down a plate of cold eggs. At the head of the table sits her husband. To her left sits her son, and to her right is an empty seat. She stares down at her plate, quietly listing off everything she will have to do today after her husband and son have left the house. She silently curses the long list of tedious things she has yet to do.

"What a delicious meal darling," her husband says in a monotone voice. He stands up, motioning for their son to follow suit.

"Thanks sweetie," she says bitterly, "have a nice day at work."

Her husband pulls his purple trench coat over his golf polo, and walks out the door. Her son quickly follows after, his pink lunch box in hand. She sighs incontinently, granting herself a few minutes of peaceful rest before starting the day's demands.

The young girl sighs incontinently, wishing her imagination wasn't always so boring. She seemed to always follow the same storyline everytime she played with the little house. She looks at the doll, wondering what she could do to make her more exciting. She really doesn't know. She eventually decides to keep telling her story, to see if she can put a twist on her otherwise boring narrative.

The mother holds her list of chores in her hand. She scans the page, looking for the easiest one. Her eyes stop.

"Vacuuming it is," she says out loud. She quickly walks over to the storage closet and pulls out the cheap little vacuum. She places the vacuum to the kitchen wall and begins her mundane activity. Up and down the vacuum goes, steady as a broken drum. She carefully avoids the family portrait that hangs precariously on an old, bent nail. She notices how the picture hangs slightly crooked. She sets the vacuum on the ground, and reaches to adjust it.

"No!" The Girl screams into her empty room, "It's still too boring." She wonders if there is another way to make her tale more interesting.

Suddenly, an idea strikes her. What if she introduced a new character? That would make the time all the more enjoyable. The only problem was; what new toy deserved to be in this story? She looks around the room, yet again, to find a suitable companion for her otherwise boring toy.

There! Her hands reach out eagerly for her newest addition. She silently congratulates herself on such a splendid idea.

The mother turns off the vacuum, finished with it, just in time to hear the doorbell ring.

"What is it now?" she complains to the house. She hears another ring, as the bell is pushed again. "I'm coming, I'm coming". She opens the door to see a man holding a letter. "Hello?" she asks curtly.

The man takes a deep breath, and then sings:

"Hello, this is your singagram! I'm here to brighten your day, if I can! Here is a card from a friend, they hope you will like it to the end. Have a magical day with kittens and unicorns. Yes, hooray.....nothing rhymes with unicorns."

She stares at him questionly.

"Again?" she asks. "But this is the third time this week!"

"I'm sorry ma'am," the singagram man replies, "I'm just doing my job".

"Yes, well, thank you."

"Have a nice day," he says, tipping his hat as he walks back down the sidewalk.

She shuts the door, and turns back to her looming list of tasks.

"That's it!" cries the girl angrily. She has had it with her story. She needed something new and exciting, and fast. She rushes out her bedroom door, and into the room across the hall. She frantically digs through her brother's toy chest, looking for something fun. Finally, she finds it. She holds up her new discovery to the light. The toy is a huge green dinosaur with massive white teeth and red claws. She smiles gleefully and quickly runs back to her room and the new story waiting to be told.

The mother sits on her couch, exhausted with the day, but finally finished with her chores. She knows that any moment now her husband and son will be home, but she wants nothing more than to take a short nap.

In the distance she hears a shrill noise. She thinks nothing of it, brushing it off as some crazy thing her neighbor is doing. She hears the noise again, but this time it sounds as if it is right next to the house.

Suddenly, there is a loud crash behind her. She swivels around so fast she nearly falls over. She lets out a scream at the sight before her.

Where her newly vacuumed kitchen wall should be, there now stands a gaping hole. And inside that hole is a huge green dinosaur with massive white teeth and blood shot eyes.

She turns around and sprints to the other end of the house. She rushes past the front door and the storage closet, all the way to the end off the hallway. She opens the door to her daughters bedroom and rushes in.

Inside sits her daughter, safe. She is playing with her purple toy doll house that her husband had given her for her birthday. She has a doll in one hand and a dinosaur, very similar to the one she had just seen, in the other.

"Hide!" She screams at her daughter.

She looks up to her mother with frightened eyes. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So Yea, I know it's been a while. I'm honestly not sure how many more of these I'll add, but I hope to continue this. Please make sure to like, comment, and share! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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