🦋Miritama🐈‍⬛ (part two)💙💜💛

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Tamaki was in his dorm with Mirio, somehow a bit quieter then usual. Tamaki had had a pretty hard day which Mirio knew. He gave Tamaki a small smile and began to gently pet through his hair "you alright Tama?" He asked gently. Tamaki nodded softly "yeah.." he mumbled gently. Mirio gave him a gentle, caring smile "need to regress?" He asked gently, pretty used to Tamaki needing to regress after hard days since he'd been his caregiver for about a month now. Tamaki paused for a second "uh... maybe in a minute.." he said sweetly, his voice still quiet. "I um... need to tell you something.. o-out of my headspace..." he said gently.

(🦋💙)Tamaki's point of view(💙🦋)
He looked at me with that huge smile of his, his head tilting slightly "oh?" He said in a gentle tone. I stayed silent for a moment "um..." I mumbled after a second "I uh.... I don't know... how to um.. I don't... know..." I mumbled, unsure of how to tell him what I needed to say. His look became a bit more serious but he continued to smile "take your time Tama, I promise I won't judge you." He said gently with a small smile. I looked at him and sighed softly "M-Miri.... I've Uh...." I started before whispering the rest "I've l-loved you since the start of junior high..." Mirios eyes widened "I-I'm sorry..." i said quietly, looking to the ground. I expected to be hit or yelled at or something, but instead I felt him gently kiss my cheek. My eyes widened slightly and I looked up at him "you're.. you're not disgusted..?" I asked softly. "Of course not!" He said happily "I love you too Tama!" He said, ruffling my hair. My eyes widened "y-you do..?" I asked gently and he nodded. I smiled brightly and pulled him into a tight hug, a gentle blush coating my cheeks.

(🌌💙) third person point of view (💙🌌)
Mirio held Tamaki for a bit before pulling away "do you need to regress still Tama?" he asked gently. Tamaki paused for a second. "Can I?" He asked gently "of course!" Mirio replied with a bright smile before standing and grabbing Tamaki's agere gear. He walked over and handed a pacifier to Tamaki who quickly placed it in his mouth. He then handed him his bunny plushy as placed a blanket over him before sitting next to him. Tamaki smiled brightly and placed his head on mirio's shoulder. He then took out his pacifier and gently asked "can I pway minecwaft dada?" Mirio smiled "of course honey!" He said before standing once again and turning on the Xbox, handing Tamaki the controller. Tamaki then happily went onto minecraft and began to build. He built a cute little cottage with lots of plants and bookshelves. He surrounded the cottage in spruce trees and then added a small river and a trail through the trees. He then added a couple bees nests and added in bees (minecwaft bees awe so cute!!!!!!! 🥺🥺) inside of the cottage there were two floors, the bottom had a kitchen, dining room, and living room, and the top floor had the bedroom and a playroom, aswell as a door that lead to the balcony. After he finished he was a bit bored so he exited the game and looked to Mirio "can I has my miwk?" He asked gently. Mirio knew that that meant he was getting sleepy and nodded "of course my little bunny" he said gently before standing and making him some warm angel milk. He then headed over to Tamaki and sat on the bedpulling Tamaki into his lap. He gently placed a blanket over them and put a stuffy on Tamaki's lap before carefully taking out his Pacifier and holding the bottle for Tamaki to drink from. Tamaki blushed softly and regressed a bit further at that. He happily drank the milk, growing extremely sleepy. Once Tamaki was almost asleep and the milk was all gone, Mirio pulled the bottle away and gently slipped the pacifier back into his mouth "night night my little bunny" he whispered gently.

(Hey guys! I'm sowwy this took so wong!!! I haven't been wegwessed much lately.. it's been getting weally hard even when I'm sad lately 😔 but pawt two is finally hewe!!! Hope you guys wike it!!!
Wuv ou guys!!

(Ps, da bunny stuffy in dis chapter is da picture at da top!!)

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