Day Sixteen

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Day Sixteen
Title: Charity Event part two
Summary: Lloyd and Nya visit a special child...

Lloyd pushes open the doors to a separate room on the children's ward. After the pair had been yesterday, they were asked to come back and visit another child, who sadly wasn't allowed to go home for the holidays. As far as the child was aware, their parents and family weren't allowed to come and visit them and it broke their heart. Nya hides the sack behind her back and the pair sit on either side of the bed, waiting for the child to wake up.

"Do you think he'll like it?" Nya murmurs, running a hand through the child's hair.

"I'm sure he will," Lloyd reassures, a light smile forming across his face.

"I hope he will."

Lloyd gently takes the sack from Nya and opens it up, revealing presents all wrapped up in purple wrapping paper. Dotting them across the tray attached to the bed, the bedside tables and slotting the smallest ones into the stocking at the end of the bed, all the couple had to do now, was wait.

A quiet groan from the child makes the pair jolt and glance over. The child slowly rubs his eyes, before taking in the scene around him, his eyes widening with excitement.

"Happy Christmas Nelson," the young couple chorus, making him smile widely.

"I-I...thank you," Nelson smiles and reaches for the card in the centre of the table.

He rips open the envolope and reads the message out loud.

"To Nelson (aka the purple ninja), happy Christmas, hope you have a great time, from the Ninja."

He smiles as Nya places the stocking on his bed.

One hour after opening presents, Nelson, slips away to the bathroom with the help of the nurses. Lloyd and Nya frantically work to set up a computer in the main room. Once it's set up, the nurse leads Nelson back. He blinks at the computer.

"What's this for?"

Exchanging smiles, Nya turns the computer on. The screen flickers before two adults appear on the screen. Nelson's eyes fill with tears.

"Hello Nelson," the adults say simultaneously.

"Mom, dad," a sad smile comes across his face.

"We miss you so, so much."

"I-I miss you too."

"We have a surprise for you," Nelson's mother starts.

"We're coming to visit you!"

Nelson's eyes start leaking with tears at the news. Nya gently takes Lloyd's arm.

"Come on, let's give them some space."

Lloyd smiles. The pair wave goodbye and they head home.

Twenty-five Days of Lloya ✔︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن