a time for firsts

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this was a cute idea I made up in my head not too long ago and I low-key miss writing so I hope whoever reads this enjoys.

Premise: Brielle (Zendaya) is a sophomore in college and started dating (Cash) Trevor who is one of the best basketball players at their school. Unfortunately, for the past two weeks, Cash has completely cut off any communication from Brielle. She hasn't seen or heard from him since.

Brielle's POV

As I'm sitting on the couch of my apartment taking some notes from my Microeconomics textbook, I hear a knock at the door. My first thought is that it's probably Maya and maybe she forgot her key but when I swing the door open, I'm met with someone else.

Cash looks at me with concerned eyes and as mad as I am at him, I'm relieved to see him after what feels like for so long. He's wearing an olive green Nike jumpsuit, his hair looks freshly cut and his small facial hair must have just been trimmed too because it looks great. Or maybe he just looks a lot better in my head because I haven't seen him in so long.

"Hi." He says almost breathlessly. I want to be mad at him. Trust me, I do. But my mouth opens to utter the same word back at him.

I swallow first. "Hi." My lips are parted just a bit before I speak again.

"I left you like 13 voicemails." I tell him and he nods his head.

"I know." I see a glimpse of his famous smirk.

"I felt like a- a clingy girlfriend." I smile at him, holding back a couple of tears. I'm not even sure where those came from and when. I hear him chuckle and he looks down at the floor before looking at me again.

"Can I come in?" He asks, almost as if he was walking on this ice.

I take two steps back so he has room to enter and once he does, I close the door behind him. I zip up my hoodie just a bit more as I walk towards him and he rests his hands in his pockets.

"Where have you been?" I finally ask the one thing that's been on my mind since I opened the door. I could tell he saw that question coming because he doesn't take long to respond.

"I was at Duke." He lets out and it catches me off guard.

"Why?" The word comes out barely over a whisper.

"They offered me an opportunity to play basketball there for spring semester and possibly enter into the draft." His eyes soften up again which makes my eyes water a little bit more but I make sure to not let even one tear drop.

"Well how was it?" I want to cry badly, right now. Because what kind of basketball player especially as good as Cash, goes to Duke for two weeks and hates his stay there?

"It was... everything I always dreamed basketball would be." He tells me and I nod at him repeatedly, hoping to ease processing this information.

"Well, that's great. I'm happy for you." I tell him truthfully, because I am. I'm happy for him even if it means he has to transfer. I'm happy he's pursuing his dreams of potentially being an NBA player.

"Yeah..." His irises meet mine. "It was missing one thing though." He takes a step closer to me, releasing his hands from his pockets.

"What's that?"


I'm pretty sure I felt my heart beat pause for just a split second, just enough time for blush to rise to my cheeks, for my breath to be taken away and for a tear to fall down from my right eye. All just in one second.

"So I declined the offer." He says plainly, another sentence that catches me off guard.

"What? Why would you do that?" I cross my arms, furrow my eyebrows and look up at him intently.

"Because I can't be there if you're here." He replies but I shake my head.

"You can't stay here and have me be the reason why you missed out on a great opportunity."

"And I can't go there if it means losing you!" He exhales heavily and my lips start to quiver slightly.

"I can't have you resent me for staying here. Opportunities like that don't come often." My words come out shakily. I know I should appreciate the fact that he's willing to pass up an offer from Duke University but to just feel appreciation from all this would be selfish.

"I won't be resenting you though. When I went there, I made sure not to tell you and to cut off all communication from you and I'm sorry about that. But I tried to be there, to focus and just enjoy the moment but I couldn't. Because the main thing I wanted to do in that moment, was be here with you and go watch a sunset. And hold you in my arms as the fall breeze settled into your hair. I can't do that at Duke." His eyes are starting to water and I didn't even realize that up until now.

"It's been your dream, ever since you were 4 years old in your foster home and picked up a basketball for the first time to go into the NBA, and now you're willing to give all that up?"

"Sometimes dreams change. Okay? And I'm not giving all that up, because I can always declare for the draft later. The NBA isn't going anywhere." He emphasizes but I rebuttal.

"And neither am I. But you can't just make a decision like that because of me." My voice cracks at the last word because I just realized that out of all the relationships I've been in since I started college, not one of those guys ever felt this way about me. And it's crazy to think that when I first met Cash, I thought he was the most arrogant and self centered little asshole I've ever met. Yet, he's making probably the most selfless decision of his life. For me.

"I can't go to Duke because I love you." He licks his lips and blinks a couple of tears away. That's the first time I've ever heard him say those words.

"I can't go to Duke because I love you."

"I'm in love with you and I can't be at Duke when my heart's here with you. It just doesn't work." He shakes his head at his words and at this point, my tears are visibly noticeable and I can't hide them now.

I walk two steps towards him and immediately crash my lips onto his and he doesn't even hesitate to wrap his arms around my waist. I take my right hand and hold his face as best as I can as we continue to kiss, passionately. I can still feel the tears streaming down my face but nothing else matters in this moment, right here, with him.

I finally pull away after some time and I look right into his eyes.

"I love you too." I inhale sharply and bite my lip, causing him to smile at me before embracing me in the tightest hug. I wrap both my arms around his neck and feel his head nestle up between my head and my shoulder.

And that was my first time saying those words to anyone I've ever been in a relationship with.

Ok, I think I should say a couple of words since I pretty much disappeared. I miss you guys. I miss my readers and I do miss writing. I'm not back though, unfortunately. I just don't have the time to dedicate myself to writing an entire book right now in my life. But I'm home from college for the holidays and I've been a hopeless romantic watching grey's anatomy so I decided to write this to hopefully help myself with that lmao.

I hope you guys have all been safe during this crazy time in our lives and I'm forever sorry for not finding the motivation to continue my book No More Than Friends. Maybe I'll go back to it next summer, I don't know. I'm not making any promises. But if I ever come up with a cute romantic scene in my head, I can always write it here... if anyone cares lol.

Anyways, please stay safe and I'm wishing you guys a happy holidays and a happy new year (incase we don't meet again this year.) love you guys always <3

btw, do people still read zevor fanfics? bc I don't even read them anymore LOL (hence why I gave z and Trev names in this story. I've just grown out of the zevor fanfic stage of my life lmao.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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