Why dafuq do pimples exist?

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y can't we all have clear faces? I mean all I want is a clear face and a million dollars.

anyway. but yea pimples suck but this time I'm gonna tell u a story about my experience with those nasty things.

so in highschool I barely have pimples. Yes wow what a miracle thank u Jesus! in a month I have like maybe 1 or 2. sometimes I don't even get some (yaaaas!) but still I felt like the world would end because who da hell want pimples on their faces right?

when I hit college its like an apocalypse happened - either that or someone cursed me - but I'm going with puberty I guess. Pimples were almost everywhere just kidding not really but it was worse than when I was in highschool.

my self-esteem went crashing down and I literally hated myself. but I did share the same hatred with my new bestfriend that I've met there (whaddup denise u hoe (͡° ͜ʖ͡°)

I tried everything. from off the counter products to natural remedies but nothing worked. I even wanted to go to a skin doctor and get treatment but my mom said I was too young for those.

as the year ends I did find something that helped lessen the volcanoes that keep on popping. I was really happy because wow this shit is really working!

anywayyy. to make the boring story short, I don't get pimples anymore but sometimes one little fucker still shows up.

and I'm just like go away no one wants u.

like rn I have one on the nose! Can u fucking believe it on the fucking nose ugh. and it showed up when I'm just days away from this party I'm going to.

and if u know someone who did not go through this phase where u just want to peel ur own skin off ur face.

don't trust them.

*whispers* they're not human

k peace out potatoes ✌️

Ugh! RantsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora