Wedding Disaster

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DREW lowered his eyes and swung them back over to fixate them on his best friend

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DREW lowered his eyes and swung them back over to fixate them on his best friend. Drew didn't want to believe the words that had just come out of his buddy's mouth. He knew that Kathleen wouldn't do that to him. He knew that she always talked to him about this day ever since they started dated. He knew it for a fact that she wanted to get married to him, there was absolutely no way that she would just drop out so suddenly.

"Markus, stop playing with me," Drew said, sternly glaring at him. Markus bit the inside of his cheek and shook his head at him. "Are you sure that she got cold feet? That doesn't sound like Kathleen."

Speaking of feet, that was where Kathleen was located at the very moment of Drew's questioning. There she was, as tiny as a speck, and on the tip of Drew's black shoe. She had been climbing for the past time that Drew had been talking to Markus. She had no success with capturing Drew's attention, so she thought if she could climb up to where he could actually see her, he would know.

Kathleen wouldn't even be in the situation if it wasn't for Markus. Markus had always despised her, and now that he had the power, he couldn't be anymore happy. Earlier in the day, he had snuck into her dressing room and shrunk her down. The worst part, he shrunk her down in her wedding dress! At first, she thought it was a dream, but when a giant pair of fingers picked her up, she realized that Markus was genuinely a giant.

Markus taunted her at her size. He had always commented on her height, saying that Drew was a giant compared to her, and ironically, it was true. Markus explained the entire reasoning behind of his motivation of shrinking her, and because she was so small, she couldn't do anything to talk back. Markus would just laugh at her anger toward him. Instead, he had carried her all the way to the room where Drew was located.

Drew wasn't aware that Markus had shrunk his wife-to-be. Markus walked over to where Drew was sitting and dropped her from a height where she thought she would die from. But when she hit the ground, by some miracle, her dress was puffy enough that it saved her. She had to rip off half her dress to be able to run up to her giant fiancé. She tried hitting the shoe, and his leg when she finally climbed on top, but still, there was no reaction.

On the other hand, Kathleen was freaking out internally, knowing that one wrong move by Drew, she could end up on the bottom of his shoe. She stared up at the love of her life who was still looking at Markus. He wasn't looking down, and that was making her situation even more dangerous. Markus on the other hand, caught a glimpse of the tiny figure of Kathleen trying to attempt to get Drew's attention.

"What are you staring at?" Drew asked, lowering his eyes. He stared at his shoes, but still was unable to see his tiny fiancée. "Why are you staring at my shoes Mark? Is there something on them?"

Kathleen's eyes widened as she felt the vibrations of Drew's giant foot begin to move. She knew what was coming, which made her grab tight onto the shoelace that was in front of her. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt an enormous amount of wind brush against her face as Drew raised his foot up. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, but Drew didn't hear a thing. He wasn't aware that he was close to killing his fiancé. To Markus, it was hilarious. He couldn't show it though.

Drew looked around his shoe, still not being able to see tiny Kathleen hanging on for dear life. He put his foot back down on the ground and rolled his eyes.

"This isn't funny Markus, I know Kathleen, and I know she wouldn't just bail out on me like that," Drew claimed, crossing his arms. Markus crossed his arms. "Kathleen is just trying to prank me, isn't she? You're in on her little prank, aren't you."

"I'm not joking around with you Drew," Markus lied, shaking his head. "Kathleen told me that she couldn't go through with it and she ran off. That's all. She didn't look back. Nothing. She's gone," Markus said, continuing the lie. Drew exhaled deeply. "I told you that she didn't love you man."

"I know that she loves me," Drew said, shaking his head in denial. "I don't know...I just feel like she's here. You know?"

"BECAUSE I AM HERE!!!" Kathleen screeched, continuing to climb up the large shoe of Drew. "JUST LOOK DOWN HONEY!!!"

"Kathleen even told me last night that she couldn't wait to get married," Drew said, his voice beginning to drop. Kathleen's heart dropped. She knew that sound. Drew was convinced that she had bailed out on him. "My worst nightmare is actually coming true."

Drew gripped onto his tie and ripped it off. Markus raised his eyebrows and took a step back as Drew stood up. Kathleen froze and looked up, staring up at an Eiffel tower tall of a man that was still unaware of her presence. The man that she was so excited to start calling her husband was now probably going to crush her underneath his shoe. Kathleen had gasped as she saw him toss his giant tie to the side.

"I'm done with this," Drew said, his loud voice echoing through the air. Kathleen didn't know what was going on, but she knew it was going to end badly. She held on tight, hoping that the he was going to see her. "If Kathleen doesn't care about our wedding, I don't either."

Drew looked down and took of his shoes, not knowing that his tiny fiancé was on top of. Kathleen had fallen off his shoe and onto the ground. She landed on her back and her jaw dropped as she saw Drew's gigantic white sock loom over her. All she could do was stare at his foot as it towered over her, and descended down. Drew lowered his foot and squashed his fiancé underneath his foot, completely unaware of the fact that she was even there. Let alone, shrunk.

He didn't feel a thing, but Markus did feel something, and it was complete relief. He found it funny how Kathleen always claimed that Drew wouldn't hurt her, yet, there he went, killing her unknowingly underneath his foot. Drew swung his eyes up to look at Markus who was staring down at his feet once again.

"What is it?" Drew asked, lifting his foot. "Did I step on something?"

Markus shook his head. "No, I'm just glad you finally realized that she wasn't the right one for you."

"Well, it's Kathleen's loss," Drew said, running his fingers through his black hair. "She didn't know what she lost. I know you would never lie to me Markus, so thanks."

Markus smirked. "You're welcome Drew."

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