Chapter Francis 1

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Through my wanderings I eventually found a quaint library filled with books. I had entered it and walked aimlessly within, giving a cursory glance at the titles. Titles of which I could not name now. After finding a seemingly cheery nook with a small window gazing outside in which to place myself, I opened the envelope Zeron gave to me. Within was, of course, the schedule of my semester, along with several other papers.

The strangest of them was also the most simple. A small blank card. I tried what I could to see if there was anything it held in secret but to no avail. Perhaps it was just a piece of paper. Regardless, I held onto it. There were also the typical papers for the recently enrolled that I did not try to read.

'Where might my answer be?' I thought to myself. 'Think...if there's an illusion then there must be some way to break it. Some...chink in the armor that I can see - if not pass - through.'

From my place I looked out through the window. I tried squinting... it didn't work. I tried closing one eye and then the other... that didn't work either. I tried... I couldn't count how many times I had tried before I took a break. My only measurement of time was the sun that had another hour or so to reach its peak.

"If this was also part of the test then I guess I failed, right?" I asked myself. Strangely I didn't feel scared or whatever emotion comes when the overbearing certainty of one's inability is made clear. I leaned back against the bookshelf and looked up at the sky through my little window. Just now...did I imagine it? I dared not think so. For as I stared upward I began to think I saw, at the very corner of my vision, people.

With renewed vigor I attempted to see once more. I had been so focused on my task that I hadn't noticed the person behind me until they were breathing upon my neck. I'm ashamed to admit my defenses fell that low. To be lulled into a false security. But none of that mattered. At that time I was assaulted by the strangest person that I have ever met. No one else could be more... strange.

I had no time to react to the person behind me. I was at once pulled from my place beside the window and was rushed outside the library, securely fastened under the person's arm. Even frozen with human instinct I could tell the thickness of the arm was unbalanced with the strength it boasted. Thin yet could carry a person with ease.

Two ideas came to the front of my mind on what was happening. One, which was highly unlikely but still plausible, was I was being kidnapped. The other, which was something I never understood, was an initiation rite. But the second couldn't be true because I had yet to be officially enrolled. Slowly as my initial reaction had eroded my brain churned out a myriad of possibilities.

I had to shake my head of all thought lest I became lethargic against any new situations. Instead of focusing on the future, I explored what I could about my assailant instead. At least a few minutes had gone by and whoever this was that gripped me in a soft vise-like hold hasn't slowed in the least, nor has their breath quickened. If it could add to the strangeness of it all, my own breathing wasn't restricted either.

A minute later, as my captor was running, they had come to a hallway with a dead end. At the far end, probably twenty meters away, a window peered out to the grounds. But my captor didn't stop. If anything, they put out another burst of speed and quickly closed those meters. It was inevitable that we would crash into it and be outside. It wasn't my proudest moment, cowering as I awaited for the glass to shatter over us and have gravity take control.


Nothing. There was no shatter. No tinkling glass. I raised my head and saw the reason. I had been taken to some outside racetrack for runners. There were two others standing in front of me and my captor. Both were smiling, from joy. There was no maliciousness anywhere in their figures.

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