Chapter 10

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Maya exhaled knowing Josh was almost heading back to Philadelphia slowly causing her heart to break as she was unsure what to do about everything.

"So. My little brother is actually going back to Philadelphia. That's actually so strange," Cory said as Maya exhaled.
"Not actually. I'm not going back. I talked to Dad and he transferred me over to the Eugene Adams Academy. Prestigious boarding school. I'll be going there," Josh said as Maya looked at him smiling.
"What made you decide on that?" Riley asked.
"My girlfriend," Josh said looking at Maya as she smiled.

"Good luck seeing him every day. Which school did your mother enroll you?" Cory asked.
"Well my father enrolled me actually. Penelope Adams Academy," Maya said.
"That place costs a fortune," Riley said.
"Why didn't you tell me you were moving here?" Maya asked.
"Wanted to surprise you. I'm not going anywhere, Maya. Never," Josh said as he placed a soft kiss on Maya's lips.

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