Chapter (3)

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When he did look through the little window he saw...

The dragons face in front of his own.

He then tells taehyung to stop the van so, he does what Jungkook says and, everyone jerks forward, when the did pull the breaks, the Dragon smacks into the front and, roared in pain because, of the force of the van stopping.

Y/n's Pov

When I woke up, I woke up in a metal box things and, so, I got up slowly and, I looked around and, court sight of light so, I look out of it but, I couldn't see anything but, a face of a boy.

And, then I start to get scared and, back off a bit, whilst still looking at him, when he suddenly says to the guy driving to stop the metal box and, when the metal box did stop, I went full force into the metal wall in front of me.

And, when the metal box stopped fully, I forced myself into a wall and, camouflage myself into the metal wall (oh, yeah, I'm giving her some powers too, the other powers, she'll get throughout the book so, yeah, back on with the book) and, when the people opened the back doors, they looked around in the back of the metal box, they all looked confused.

So, they where going to go but, one of them looked closely to where I was squished up against the wall and, his eyes widen when he sees me, so, I un-camouflage myself from the wall and, forced myself up and, ran right past him in a flash and, opened my blue wings and, flapped them with force and, flew off, away from them, whilst in fear and, thinking to myself...

Why did I come here to just to be snatched up by people I don't know????

No one's pov:

The guys just watched the Dragon fly off and, away from them so, taehyung says "What do we do now then, since we just watched her fly off without a care in a world and, I've been looking for dragons for so long and, I've managed to see one in real live, for all we know, she could be the last Dragon alive on earth" and, the others just looked at him.

So, taehyung looked to where the Dragon flew off to but, when he did look, he saw something shocking, he saw her flying back to them, with a helicopter with guns at the sides of it so, he then runs back to the drivers seat, taehyung then drives the van backwards to a right angel so, y/n could get into the van.

Y/n's Pov:

When I had gotten far from the metal thing, I felt the breeze against my blue scales again but, it didn't last that long because, a bullet came right by my face so, I stopped flying and, hovered in the sky, when another came in contact with my wing and, had shot right through it, I roared in pain and, I flew away from the flying machine that was behind me.

So, I tried to fly away from the flying machine, as I was trying to fly away from it, there was more bullets shot at me but,most of them missed me but, some of them had got me though.

Soon after getting chased by the flying machine, I saw something not far away and, there were people there and, then I remembered that they where the guys that had me in that metal box, that was still there and, one of the figure of the guys where trying to get me to go in the metal box but, I didn't want to go back in there though but, she soon changed her mind when, a bullet came right past her face again.

So, she quickly flew to the metal box and, got inside with it and, laid down with bullet wounds and, then one of the guys came in with me, he had black hair and, he just started cleaning up my bullet wounds, whilst taking the bullets out but, I kept whimpering every time he gets a bullet out.

~Awhile later~

We had stopped somewhere, that I don't know where it was at so, I looked out the little window to see a big house in front of me.

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