Chapter 7- Where would you be?

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"If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be?" Gracie asked thoughtfully as she strolled alongside Conan through the Hogwarts grounds

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"If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be?" Gracie asked thoughtfully as she strolled alongside Conan through the Hogwarts grounds. The warm air blowing at her skin as she kicked the blades of glass as she walked.

"Good question" the boy hummed thinking for I moment "I don't really know to be honest probably somewhere like Bora Bora..have you seen those pigs?" he laughed making the pretty girl smile at him a sight he loved to see "What about you? Where would you be?"

Gracie thought for a minute almost saying 'with Sirius' out of habit until her gaze caught the boy leaning up against a wall as he flirted with a Ravenclaw girl her smile dropped as she realised that they were not together anymore and so instead she put on a fake smile and answered. "In Dublin, with my family" she said smiling "Specifically at Christmas time, every year we have a competition where we bake Christmas treats and whoever bakes the best ones wins, usually my grandpa was the judge but then he went to paradise, after that it's always been one of my friends who's judged..." Conan knew what she meant when she said 'one of my friends' and smiled lightly at the girl deciding not to press on any further, and so in curiosity he asked.

"Well who will it be this year?" he asked as they neared the castle catching Sirius' attention as he dismissed the girl he was talking to and watched Conan and Gracie carefully with furrowed brows as he noticed their close proximity. 

"I dunno" shrugged the blonde beauty "Haven't thought that far ahead if i'm honest with ya, we're only in may...have plenty of time to decide." she smiled 

"I suppose you are right" smiled Conan looking at the pretty girl "Black's watching us you know" he whispered into her ear as they walked past him "I'm pretty sure if looks could kill I'd be six foot under"

Gracie chuckled gently "Don't take it personally...that's just Sirius" she shrugged 

"I reckon he's jealous" 

"Don't be daft" scoffed Gracie with a small smile "He isn't jealous, he doesn't love me anymore...I'm sure he's not even looking at you" she reassured

"I dunno...he looks pretty jealous to me."

"But he doesn't love me Conan" she said sighing sadly 

"Course he does, he always will, even if he's not in love with you he will always love you." he explained gently.

Gracie nodded tightly becoming slightly upset with the topic of discussion as she playing with her hands in front of her stealing a glance at her ex-boyfriend as they locked eyes for a moment his glare softening and his arms falling limply to his sides as he stared into her eyes. Storms of grey meeting seas of blue. The moment was short lived however and Gracie redirected her attention back onto Conan speaking quietly "Um- can we talk about something else please?"

"Of tell me..whats this I hear about you commentating the next quidditch match?"


" come the Gryffindor team!" Gracies voice sounded throughout the stands as they let out cheers "We have the keeper Miss Marlene McKinnon, seventh year she's rather pretty isn't she?-"

"Burgess!" scolded McGonagall 

"Right sorry Minnie- and of course there the two superb beater Fabian and Gideon Prewett! Looking good boys" Winked the Irish girl "The three fantastic chasers! Burns, Cole and Murphy! And last but not least the gorgeous, the great, the devilishly handsome, James Fleamont Potter as the most fantastic seeker in Quidditch history. Hold your hats ladies and gentleman because this man is unlike any other, did I mention that jawline?-"

"Gracie Burgess!" scolded McGonagall 

"Sorry Minnie but I promised him I'd flatter him the most, and I must apologise ladies but he's off limits, I'm talking to you Leslie Bell, that's right I see you making heart eyes, but his heart unfortunately belongs to my gorgeous best friend Lily Evans! She of course insists the feelings are unreciprocated but I think we all know that that is complete and utter bullshi-"  

"Miss Burgess!"

"Of course, of course and now we have the Hufflepuff team woo go badgers." she said unenthusiastically "Now captains shake hands..annnddd... we're off! Diggory has possession of the quaffle he passes it to Atkins but- OH! it has been intercepted! Burns has the quaffle now- wow look at her go! Zooming past them bludgeons- OH WATCH OUT!- That was a close one- and she passes to Cole, Cole to Murphy and he shoots- HE SCORES! Ten points to Gryffindor!" The crowds erupted into cheers "Take that bitches!" 


"And we're back, Hufflepuff has possession again- Wow look at the hit on that bludger from Fabian Prewett! The arms on that man I tell ya-"

"Burgess.." warned McGonagall carefully 

"Alright, alright...looks like Potter and Tuffin are searching for the snitch, Tuffin sure is pretty..those curls! Don't worry JJ you're gorgeous hunny bunny" winked the girl as her best friend pouted in her direction "Hufflepuff have the quaffle! They shoot and...YES MARLENE! A beautiful save from Miss McKinnon, Gryffindor are back in possession- Wait a moment...let me just...OH! OH! POTTERS SPOTTED THE SNITCH! COME ON JAMES! He's going after it- merlin that boy can fly- Tuffin is close behind, they're neck and neck but who will get it? They're reaching out and..and......HE'S GOT IT! POTTER'S CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!" 

The cheers echoed throughout the stadium as Gracie jumped down from the stands where she was sat with the staff running down to congratulate her friends. "You did it! you did it! you did it!" she squealed throwing her arms around a sweaty James Potter as she pulled him into a hug. 

"All thanks to your fantastic commentary" he winked kissing his best friend on the cheek. 

"Of course..I am the best" the blonde smiled flicking her hair over her shoulder dramatically.

"How modest of you"

"Always" she said smugly as the rest of their friends joined them on the field. 

"Well done mate." smiled Remus patting his friend on the back 

"Thanks Moony" James smiled. gently at the werewolf "Well I think this calls for a celebration wouldn't you agree?" he smirked victoriously and Sirius smirked throwing an arm over Gracies shoulder instinctively pulling her into his side. 

"Party!" the Black yelled making the people around him cheer and Gracie smile up at him "Nice commentary"

"Thanks" she smiled as his eyes drifted down to her lips for a split second until his lips quirked up into a smile of his own. 

"Piggy back?" he offered making her giggle girlishly as she hopped onto his back and he straightened up wrapping her legs around his torso.

"Forward my noble steed! Take me to the alcohol!" she pointed in the direction of the Gryffindor tower and Sirius chuckled running forward with the girl on his back. McGonagall and their friends staring fondly and hopefully as the two as they began to look like they were falling in love all over again; they knew that it wouldn't last, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't enjoy the sense of normality even if it was for a short amount of time.

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