The Kiss

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"I'm sorry about Luke, I felt it too. Though, it was not sad. More like peace, as if it were meant to be." Leia grasped hold of Rey's hand.

"He saved us, it was meant to be. However much we hate death, it was for a worthy cause." Rey stayed sitting for a while. Thoughts entered her mind - some good, some bad. But the main one was Ben. There was something there but then he goes and offers to rule the galaxy as sith. Did she not make it clear what she wanted? Of course, she wanted him, but that was not going to happen while he was a sith.

"Hey, I'm Poe." Her head turned to the side the voice was coming from. "Rey."

He smiled. "I know, I thought it was amazing how you flew the Falcon." She fiddled with the broken lightsaber in her hand. "Thank you, you too." He smiled and left leaving her with thoughts filling up once more.


They arrive at the new base - Ajan Kloss - and everyone settles for the day, most in little tents outside but some in the bedrooms on the Falcon. "I'll take first watch." Rey puts herself in the job of watching out for the first order troops.

She sat on a log, just outside of the Falcon with her lightsaber in hand. It was a few hours before anything interesting happened and she almost nodded off but before she could, the force bond opened.

"Rey." The figure came closer. "Ben?"

"Rey, let me explain."

She stood up and walked a few steps closer. "What? Why you murdered your uncle, why you tried killing us all and then expect me to come with you? You are out of your mind if you think that."

"Let me explain, on my ship I did not mean rule as sith. I meant as a whole new order, ignoring the Jedi and Sith. When you refused to, I became angry and took it out on Luke, as revenge."

"That does not make me forgive you, what if it was Leia?" And that was when he dropped to his knees and started to cry. The pain has been building up, from his dad and then to Luke. "Rey, I feel the pull to the light but do not know what to do."
She stood there speechless.

"Help me."

"What am I supposed to do until I trust you fully? On Ach-to we formed a bond and I trusted you. When you killed Snoke I thought you were helping me, but now I realise you only did it for power."

"What happened to 'I'll help you'? Where did that Rey go?."

"I can't argue with you now, everyone is asleep. and I do not want to wake them, tomorrow. Bye Ben." Then the force bond closed. Her body slumped onto the log and the tears streamed from her face. She wanted to help him. She really did. This was not the way though.

Rey dried her tears from her face after a few more minutes and continued with the lookout duty.

Morning came and the resistance members were slowly preparing for the day. Rey stayed in her area until Finn came. "You good? What happened before you came to Crait?"

"I'll explain later. Long story short - me and Ben - I mean Kylo - killed Snoke, together."

"Why are you calling him that? Don't go getting any ideas with him." He chuckled to the thought of it while she stayed silent. "Rey? Is there anything you wish to tell me?"

"Well..." Not expecting this answer, he stepped forward and held her hands. "No - it can't be."

"Well, kind of. Let me explain it first before you freak out." She waited for Finn to answer but he just said, "Go on then."

She sighed.

"You have to keep this a secret, not even Leia can know." He nodded. "Ben and I have a bond, through the force. So we can see each other in our own surroundings and vice versa. So like on Ach-To he came to my hut, but he was still in his ship. It's confusing and we still do not know why it's happening but its something to do with the force."

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