Broken Alpha Has Moved

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Well there's good news and there's bad news.

Bad news - Broken Alpha has moved from this platform.

Broken Alpha, like Broken Luna, did so well on this platform that it has been exclusively contracted with Amazon Kindle.

The ebook download is available for $2.99 through Amazon Kindle. Also, if you participate in Kindle unlimited, it's available for free read on that platform. AND if you'd like to OWN A PAPERBACK PRINT, a nice large cover paperback is also available to purchase. You can find me on Amazon by typing my name in the search box (Paulina Vasquez).

Now, more good news - I've started developing Broken Omega and will post it HERE, as I write each chapter. I'm going to start writing this weekend and hope to have the first few chapters up by Christmas. 😀

Make sure you follow my profile so you don't miss updates and posts. Broken Omega will start and finish here, but it won't stay long on this platform.

I have thoroughly enjoyed posting each chapter along the way and reading your feedback. Some of you have ended up as characters in my book, some of your snarky comments have also made it as lines in the book, and some of your suggested plot twists have also come to life in my books. Thank you so much for the continued love you have shown my books. I'm looking forward to starting the next adventure in Broken Omega!

Book 3 of the trilogy!

BROKEN ALPHA Where stories live. Discover now