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We head to the surveillance room and find Brown there in a panic. We soon figure out why as we find a mini blue crew mate sitting on the floor next to her. Brown is just about ready to burst out screaming when the little crew mate runs over to Blue and chirps, "Papa!"

Blue's face scrunches up in confusion, "I don't remember having a mini crew mate..." It hops again and says, "Papa!"

"But you look like you could use a friend. I'm gonna call you... Navy!" He picks up the small crew mate and walks over to Brown. "Hey Brown! Are you okay?"

Brown shivers and scoots away, "K-keep that thing away from me!"

"Aw, it's just a little crew mate! What's so scary about him?"

"I don't like pets! Especially dogs!"

"Brown, this isn't a dog or a pet. This is a mini crew mate. A kid. Say hello to Brown, Navy!"

Blue shoves Navy in Brown's face who shrinks away. Navy waves. Brown peeks out from under her hands. A bead of sweat trickles down her forehead. "U-um. Hi? Navy?"

Blue beams, "See? You're already getting along great! C'mon! Let's get our tasks done!"

He helps her to her feet and she flushes red, avoiding his gaze. Blue is oblivious to this as he pats Navy on the head and hums happily to himself. Brown walks over to me, her face redder than my suit.

"You know that mini crew mate's a baby impostor? Right?"

"No. If that was an impostor I'm pretty sure that I would have noticed." I say, peering over at it. It's tiny and adorable. Not unlike Blue. I kind of like it... and then it turns around and sticks out it's razor sharp tongue. Crap. It is an impostor. "Why didn't you just tell Blue that it was an impostor?"

"Well, I didn't want to worry him..."

"You've just put him in an incredibly dangerous situation." I snap. "You should know better. You should have thrown it out of the airlock the moment you saw it."

"I really didn't mean to! I just can't bring myself to kill other people-"

"Well you almost just did."

Brown shrinks even further than I thought she could. She's probably the most nervous crew mate I know on this ship. I'm probably being too harsh but this is Blue we're talking about! He'd probably drink lighter fluid if you told him that it was lemonade!

I help Brown to her feet and walk over to Blue. He's showing Navy around the controls and cooing in delight as the little impostor pushes the right combination of buttons.

"Hey Blue, can I see Navy real quick?"

"Oh sure!"

Blue hands me Navy and I walk away with the small impostor towards the airlock. Navy looks at me with a face that could have broken most men's hearts, but I'm not most men. I stand in front of the airlock and look back down at the small impostor. He whimpers and buries his face in my chest. If I do this, it'll break Blue's heart. He loves this... child. Not unlike how he cares for me. I shake my head. No. No. Do not go soft just because this little guy is so dang cute!

I open the hatch doors and set Navy inside, and then, Blue comes around the corner. 

"Red, why is Navy in the airlock?"

I swallow a gulp and lie, "I was just showing him where we ejected impostors from."

"Aw, that's so sweet of you Red!" He walks over and picks Navy up, "Was Red showing you how we're gonna protect you from all the big, scary impostors? Was he? Was he?"

Navy giggles and Blue walks out carrying him.

I have butterflies in my stomach as I watch Blue coo at the mini impostor he has adopted as his child and I follow after. It's adorable how easily he was able to take on the role of parent, and his baby talk, it's enough to make my heart race! It's also enough to set my hands fidgeting at the knife in my pocket. I'll let Navy live, for now, but if he tries anything, well, another impostor just might die this week.

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