Christmas One Shot: All I Want For Christmas Is You

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Hi everyone! This week I'll be taking a break from the main story of Red and Blue because it's the holidays, but I hope you'll enjoy this sweet Christmas party for the crew of the Skeld!

"Attention crew!" The captain's voice comes on over the speakers, "This is your captain speaking. I want you all to stop what you're doing right now."

Everyone freezes. I almost drop the list I've been carrying for the past hour. 

"Now that I have everyone's attention, I would like to invite you all to a Christmas party in the main hold. I want to commend you all on a year of hard work. You all deserve a break and a celebration."

Is she serious? This is the captain we're talking about! She's the kind of person who'll work you to the bone and then tell you to do it all over again if it's not perfect!

Everyone else seems to buy it though as they head to the main hold. Blue comes up to me, Navy riding on his head, "Hey Red! Can you believe it? It's our first Christmas together! I can't wait to see what the captain has cooked up for us!"

"Me too." I say, although my mind is occupied elsewhere. The captain can cook. That's new. Blue grabs my hand and drags me along to the party. There's music coming from the room and a whole range of colored lights sparkle on the walls. There's a large tree in the middle of the room. No, wait, I think that's a hologram.

I can't help but smile though as Blue chatters, "You're gonna love this! There's always lots of food at my home when it's Christmas and a yule log and hot chocolate and presents! Then we would tell lots of stories and, and we danced and sang! Christmas has got to be one of my favorite holidays! You know why Red?"

"I dunno Blue, I thought all holidays were your favorite because celebrations make you happy."

"Well, that's kinda true, " He says, trying on a red hat with cotton balls stuck to it, "But I like Christmas the most because it's all about giving to other people and it just helps to remind me that I'm apart of something much bigger than myself and that even though I may seem insignificant in this galaxy, I can always make a difference in some one's life."

"Wow, that's... pretty deep."

"Oh, and also the food."

I've got it now. Christmas is about showing other people that you love and care about them by giving. I'm going to give Blue the best present he's ever seen. I know he likes food. He also really enjoys helping other people. He loves cute things. He liked to skateboard back when he was on Earth. 

Where can I get any of those things? I know that there's food already set out. He has Navy, who is admittedly the most adorable thing I have ever seen outside of Blue. I don't even know what a skateboard is.

"Alright everyone, it's time for our first game!"  Orange says, tapping on the rim of his glass. "We're gonna play pictionary! The rules are simple, you draw what is on the card and your team has to guess what it is. The team with the most points at the end of ten minutes wins!"

We're all split into teams. Blue and I are separated. Well, the least I can do is let him win. That's gonna be easy. I cannot draw for the life of me, and I'm still new to this whole concept of Christmas so I have no idea what I'm drawing half the time. Blue's team wins easily, and he's actually really good at this kind of thing.

"Good game Red!" He chirps, munching on one of the cookies that were the prizes for the winning team.

"Good game to you too," I say, as butterflies flutter in my stomach without permission. He's taken off his helmet and his face is even cuter without it. The red hat brings out the freckles on his cheeks and his blue eyes sparkle in the Christmas lights. 

Navy waddles off. Oh great, what's he up to? 

"I'll be right back." I say, and walk off to look for him. I find him walking around under a table with a plant of sorts in his hands. That's actually better than my best case scenario for him. As I stand back up, I see Orange handing a present to Brown. I still gotta find a present for Blue!

I walk over to Lime and say, "Hey Lime, what's the best Christmas present you've ever gotten?"

"M-me? The best present I've ever gotten would probably be the wish bracelet my nana made for me back when I was on Earth." He shows me the tightly knotted fabric on his wrist. A charm dangles below it.

Would Blue be into that kind of thing? I see Blue waving at me excitedly so I say, "Thanks Lime," and walk back over to Blue.

"Hey Red! Look! Up there!" He points up at the door way where a plant piece hangs.

"Uh... I don't see what's so special about that." 

"It's mistletoe! When two people are standing under it they kiss!"

Kiss. They kiss. Blue and I are standing under the mistletoe. My face flushes red. Inside my helmet suddenly becomes too hot to bear. I turn away so that way Blue can't see and take off my helmet and wipe sweat from my brow. Does this mean that he wants to kiss? What does he mean by this?!

"So... Red, do you want to do it?" He says, pointing at his lips.

I want to say yes. I really do, but my nerves get the better of me. 

"I'm sorry!" I say and run away from him. I can't do this. I'm not ready yet. I can't believe he feels the same way about me! How is this even possible? I crouch under a table and my hands go to my head, running through my red hair. I'm thrilled, but honestly terrified. What do I do? What do I do?

I sit there for a few minutes, shaking. What if I hurt Blue's feelings? What if this is all a joke? Blue's such an amazing person. I love him, but what if what I just did ended our friendship? Not to mention erased any possibilities of us being anything more!

Just when I think I'm about to pass out, Blue comes over and sits under the table with me. 

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Not really."

"Crowds aren't your thing are they?"

"I guess."

"Have you been avoiding me?"

"No." I sink further into my knees. "I just want to make this the perfect Christmas for you, and I can't seem to find a present for you. I don't know what to do around you because of my feelings. I wanted tonight to be perfect, and I ruined it for you."

"Hey, hey," He hugs me, "You didn't ruin anything. You don't have to worry about any present for me. If anyone's to blame, it's me. I freaked you out at the mistletoe. The best present for me is just being able to spend time with you like this, anywhere, anytime, any day, no matter what state you're in. Red, all I want for Christmas is you."

I look up at him and find myself blushing again, but my breathing has slowed, the butterflies in my stomach are calm and my heart flutters at his smile. "Thanks Blue."

"By the way, about the mistletoe, if you didn't want to kiss, you didn't have to, it's just a silly tradition and honestly a bit of a joke, but if you wanted to you could have..."

Do they kiss? I'll leave that to you guy's imagination! I hope you enjoyed this one shot!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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