Chapter 6 - Artemis

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Oliver and Iri whirled around in unison. A handsome but gaunt man was winding his way through the pavilion. He walked in a dignified way that belied his disheveled clothing. Dusty gray sand clung to his simple outfit of tunic and sandals, and beads of sweat tracked down his forehead.

"Artemis," Iri breathed.

"Ah," he responded, "there you are, Irina!" When he smiled, the skin around his eyes was tight in a way that made him look both young and old. But when he hugged Iri, it was a fatherly gesture.

An attendant ushered him away from her, muttering about her silk clothing. He waved a hand over Artemis, magically lifting the dust off him and flicking it into a bin. Then, he offered the man a fresh ivory robe with a single red stripe and simple embroidery.

When Artemis was dressed and settled into the vacant chair, the Herald regarded him flatly.


The name hung over the room.

But this new councilor wasn't looking at The Herald. He was staring straight at Oliver with his intense tiger eyes. He looked unsurprised to see a human standing there, and something about his gaze made Oliver feel like caged lion.

He took a minute step back.

Artemis turned his attention to the rest of the council. "So, friends, tell me: what have I missed?" His tone was casual, but he sat with a rigid posture.

At first, it seemed none of the councilors would speak. But then Mathilda stuck up her nose and said, "It's too much to recount. If you wanted to know you should've been on time."

Artemis chuckled. "I am sorry, but there was so much to clean up." He spoke lightly, but Oliver could tell by the way he set his mouth in a hard line that he was annoyed. "We should count ourselves lucky that when the broga hit, Iri and Delly were there."

Iri blushed, but Delly seemed unmoved.

Artemis went on, "We have Adelaide to thank for controlling the sandstorm and restoring our settlement." He smiled in a way that showed too much teeth. "Not an easy feat, I assure you."

"Maybe for you," Delly muttered under her breath.

The Herald held up a hand and said, "Let us speak privately."

Oliver's head clouded with that feeling of fuzziness once more. Artemis lounged in his chair, leaning his chin in one hand as he listened to the Herald. Occasionally, he made a comment aloud, and briefly, Oliver caught him frowning. The way he stared at him with his slitted jade eyes, he was sure they were talking about him.

When it was over, Artemis was silent for a long moment. Sighing, he sat up and said to Oliver, "I am Artemis Doldoorian, and no one passes through Veralia without my permission."

The Herald glanced sidelong at him, but said nothing. He went on, "Our esteemed Herald has informed me that the cottage door will remain open for you, but I have some stipulations. We will make it so that the door can sense your presence, and only you will be able to open it from the human side."

Oliver swallowed and nodded, wondering what it was about this man that made him feel so uneasy.

"Don't bother taking anything from Veralia back with you. Anything born on this soil disintegrates under your sun." He idly picked dirt out of his fingernails as he spoke. "And it goes without saying that no Veralian is allowed out with you. We also disintegrate in the sun."

"Sunburn can be killer," Oliver said, earning a snort of laughter from Mathilda.

Artemis narrowed his eyes and leaned forward in his chair. "Listen to me very carefully: you will never allow another human into Veralia. I don't care if your life is on the line. If you ever let anyone cross the threshold, you will find a fate far worse than sunburn. Are we clear?"

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