2| Rules For Participants

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If you want to enter this contest as a participant, you must abide by all  the rules mentioned below.

✒ Give a permanent follow to:

The awards account: TheVilleCommunity

The founders' account:




In case you are already following either of these accounts, please do a re-follow for our convenience.

✒ Give this book a shout out on your message board.

Vote on each and every chapter of this book and add this book to your library and public reading list.

✒ There are no read or vote limits.

✒ We accept all genres except young adult and chicklit. 

✒ We accept incomplete books.

✒ We accept only English books.

✒ You may enter maximum 3 books, but only 1 book per genre. (excluding special categories)

Follow your assigned judge, who took out some of their valuable time for judging your book and they will also add your book to their public reading list.

Poetries must have at least 4 verses.  

Novels and Poetries must contain at least 5 chapters. Short stories must contain at least 2 chapters. Any chapters written as author's note WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT.

Mature content is not allowed. Stories rated K+ are, however, accepted under the category 'New Adult'.

You book must be your original work, no translations, no copying other people's work from any  site. We'll be checking.

✒While the contest is on going, you are NOT allowed to change your username or book's title. If you do, kindly inform us, otherwise you will be disqualified.

WARNING!  No bribing the judges. If we get a hint of it, the participant who did that will be immediately disqualified.

WARNING! No one is allowed to use any vulgar language or comment. If we find out, we will immediately block that user.

No spamming in the comments section or the PMs of this account or that of any of the hosts.

✒ Tag #thewintervilleawards in your participated book. If your tags are full, add it in the description of your participated book.

✒ Password: your favorite colour (this is to ensure that you have read the rules properly)

Faliure to follow any of these rules will lead to the immediate disqualification of that contestant.

For further queries:

Please mention any of the hosts in this inline comment to receive an immediate response. If you do not get an immediate response, please wait for a day or two, we'll surely get back to you. 

Yours sincerely,

The Winterville Awards.

The Winterville Awards 2021Where stories live. Discover now