Intro (skip if desired)

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Samael Naija had gone through most of his life being beaten down by other, stronger creatures. He was kind of (totally) a twink. He was short, standing at no more than 5'3" despite his perfect posture. His waist was very thin, so much so that many larger creatures could wrap a single hand all the way around it. His small chest was muscular and lean. His hips though? His hips were thick and voluptuous, his perfectly sized ass was firm and squeezable. He was long though; His lengthy tail put his overall length at a bit over 19 feet. He could stand taller on his tail for a short period of time, it was the snake equivalent of tiptoeing.

Samael had glistening light black scales covering most of his body, his underbelly was a bright electric blue most of the time, though when he was particularly calm or depressed it would dull to a baby blue. Small, pink hearts dotted his shoulders. His cobra hood was a darker black than his skin, and pink underneath. It also had a very unique pattern of curling, gray shapes with a pink heart in the middle. The pattern was reminiscent of a flaming heart which his mother said it would likely gain color after meeting his mates. The hood flared out when he was upset or excited and displayed the design beautifully.

His upper fangs poked out from his lips, and his pink tongue flicked out between them periodically. He also had hot pink eyes, which were a stunning sight to behold, especially with his thick lashes. He was often teased for those lashes, along with his makeup and perfectly manicured brows and nails. His soft, sweet face often caused strangers to mistake him for a female, a fact which he deeply hated.

His favored attire did nothing to help with this though. He found he preferred women's clothing to men's. He couldn't wear pants anyway, so skirts were all he had for lower body coverage, though he and many other snakes often wore only upper body clothes. Sam liked the coverage and feeling of soft dresses and skirts. He much preferred them to stiff, restricting dress shirts and blazers that were considered "proper."

His twin brother Naberius shared this sentiment, though he did not wear feminine clothes. Naberius Naija was a respectable 6'2" with a total length of over 21 feet. The other male had smaller hips, a slightly wider waist, and a broader chest, along with more overall muscle tone than Sam. He actually looked like a guy. Naberius tended to wear darker clothes than Sam, usually a torn tank top and the leather jacket Nero had gotten for him after they met. His dark scales were nearly identical to Sam's, but Nab's belly scales were royal blue. His eyes, tongue, and underneath his hood were red. His hood had a red heart with thin swirling patterns coming off, some of which had turned silver and purple after meeting Nero, one of his mates.

Nero was a spider monster, who also happened to be the son of the current Armani Mafia boss. Naberius himself was the leader of the Naija Mafia, a position he inherited from their grandfather following his passing. Sam acted as Naberius's second in command, it made sense given that they were twins. Their mother had been surprised to learn about their inheriting the family business, but not as surprised as she was when she found out that they both had two soulmates.

Naberius and Nero's other mate was named Oleander Rosaire. Clearly he was a nature type, his name made this easy to decipher. They had no clue where or when they would finally meet. They knew nothing about him, and that meant they got to learn everything about him, and each other, together. Samael wasn't so lucky. He knew exactly who and what his mates were. Abraxas Pheles and Vincenzo Arachnae.

Abraxas was the co-owner of the largest entertainment and technology company in the world. He ran the electronics and technology branches, including research, development, testing, streaming services, and he collaborated with Vincenzo for advertising, especially of electronics. He was known for being brutal and cruel towards almost everything and everyone he hadn't created an emotional bond with, and he didn't create bonds easily. He was a technoid though, they were known to have a difficult time with emotions, especially love.

His other mate, Vincenzo, was the co-owner of Pheles Entertainment, his and Abraxas's company. Vincenzo ran the entertainment sector of the company, including its film and music studios, TV networks, etc. though these were split up into several subsidiaries, making the job much easier. He also produced and directed films and shows for their main streaming service, Vinceflix. He was known to be much more relaxed and affectionate than Abraxas, but he was famous for his relentless and vicious attacks and revenges on those who wronged him or someone he cared about. He was also extremely fluffy. Most spiders were, though.

At 21, Sam was less than half their ages. Both of them were in their forties, and very rich. Sam was by no means a poor man, but he didn't have the hundreds of billions of dollars that his mates had. He also had no color on either of his marks, unlike his mates, who each had one colored mark and kept their second mark hidden. Most just assumed they didn't have another mate. More than one was rare after all.

Sam debated for a long time how to introduce himself. He decided long ago to wait until he had turned 18 at least, especially considering how much older his mates were. Soon after his birthday though, his grandfather had died. Aside from just dealing with that grief, he also had to settle into his new role. By the time he was ready, he was 21. He had planned for years to begin perusing an acting career as well and so he was using his upcoming audition as an opportunity to meet his mates.

Vincenzo and Abraxas were supposed to attend the audition. It was for a new Vinceflix original, one which they were both excited about, apparently. Samael was too. After all, he had an audition!

Though he was excited, Sam was also nervous. Naberius had spent hours trying to calm him down. Knowing he was about to meet his soulmates was so exciting and nerve wracking. He'd never seen them in person, only pictures. What if they rejected him? What if they hated him? What if he messed up?

The questions ran through his head, each making him more nervous than the last. He just wanted to them to like him. He had worked himself into a panic attack more than once in the days preceding his audition.

He was ready now.

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