4. Mistake

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(Izuku Pov)

It's been one year, I'm 10 and the preparations are now complete. I'm In a abandoned warehouse on the other side of the city. The circle is drawn and the materials are in place. I've checked over everything 3 times so there is no room for a mistake. I get into position and whisper "Your finally coming back mom".


I breath in and out a few times and activate the circle. It was working, everything was going right! Then the electricity turned red and a humongous purple eye appeared. I panicked this wasn't ment to happen, what's happening? Black hands started to come out of the circle and tried to grab me! I attempted to run but the hands caught me by my left leg.

My leg started to disintegrate and I felt unimaginable pain, the only thing I could do was scream. Then I appeared in a white void with a big intricate metal gate. I looked around and saw a person who was completely white. I asked the person "Who are you?". He responded with "I have many names God, the world, the universe, all, one and you". "Your me?" I asked. He smiles sadisicly and says "I am everything, I am Truth" . He continues "You have violated the laws of equivalent exchange enjoy the gate of truth".

The big gate opened and the hands from earlier came out of it, I attempted to run again but I still got dragged in. When I was inside the door closed and I felt information being pumped into my head. Their was too much information and it felt like my head was going to explode. Then I appeared outside the gate and I calapsed. "Open the gate! Let me see it again! I saw human transmutation was possible!" I begged Truth. Truth smiled even more sadisicly and said "You already paid the price for seeing it".

Before I could ask "What?" I appeared back in the warehouse. I excitedly looked to where my mother should be but saw a mangled mess of human limbs. I was horrified and immediately felt an unbelievable amount pain from where my left leg should be. I attempted to stop the bleeding but just as I passed out I see the warehouse doors open.

(Melissa Pov)

My name is is Melissa shield daughter of the famous scientist David Shield. I'm Blond with royal blue eyes and I have glasses. Me and and my father were visiting uncle All Might and his family who we haven't seen since I was a baby. We were driving by a warehouse when we saw bright flash of red light and heard a bloodcurdling scream from someone my age. My father slammed the brakes and through his phone to me to call the authorities.

(David Shield Pov)

I ran to the warehouse and opened the door. What I saw caused me to throw up, their was a kid no older then my daughter missing a leg and some form of satanic ritual circle with with a dead... thing on it. I quickly grabbed the kid and attempted to stop the bleeding while taking him to the car. I put him with Melissa and told her to stop the bleeding. I then hit the gas and started speeding to the hospital.

(Eraserhead Pov)

I got a call from the authorities to go to some abandoned warehouse, that had a kid with a missing leg. I got to the location and saw some terrifying creature and a ritual circle. I called back to tell them not bring back up. I also told them to tape off the crime scene immediately. In all my years of being an underground hero this scares me and I've seen some really scary things.

(Izuku Pov)

I woke up in a hospital bed and just started listlessly at the ceiling going over everything that happened. Then the man from the funeral, a man in a trenchcoat and a small bear thing came in and sat down.  The man in the trenchcoat introduced himself as Naomasa Tsukauchi and his quirk lie detector. The man with the scarf said his name is Shota Aizawa and he's a underground hero and the super intelligent animal Nezu. I nodded at them and said "My name is Izuku Yagi".

(Detective Naomasa Pov)

I was surprised that this was Toshinori's son and concerned how he lost his leg. I decided to start the investigation and asked "How did you lose your leg?". He looked at where his leg should be and said "Miscalculation". True. What? "What miscalculation?". He looked me soullessly in the eyes and started "My mother". True. Now I'm even more confused and then went wide eyed "Wait was that thing your mother!?". He then looked down and started to cry "Suposed to be" True.

I then started to realize what he meant "You tried to bring her back from the dead?". He responded with "Y-yeah". During this whole ordeal Aizawa looked shocked at what this kid was saying while Nezu looked intrigued. I then became confused and asked "Your quirkless how would you do somthing like this?". He then looked in thought then answered "It was alchemy the art of the deconstruction and reconstruction of matter". True. I was even more confused and he seemed to see that and said "To use it you need a transmutation circle tool convert kinetic energy into the alchemical reaction, I am the only person that knows how to do this". True. I nodded because I know he said the truth and started to leave with Aizawa while Nezu stayed.

(Nezu Pov)

I looked at the kid and smiled while taking out a chess board. We played for around 2 hours before he forced me into a stalemate and I smiled sadisicly at him "How would you like to be the personal student of the smartest creature in the world when school starts again?"  He looks at me for a moment and nods. "Good I'll settle the papers, you go to the UA gate when school starts again. I'll go now because I think you have some visitors." While saying this I was looking at my watch. I open the door to leave as 2 American's run in.

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