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The sound of chirping birds awakes Prachaya from his dead sleep. Opening his eyes feels like torture, but he forces himself, reminded of the previous events. A shower of sun rays has fallen on his face, temporarily blinding his eyes with its yellowish-white light. He blinks his eyes, adjusting to the bright surrounding. 

Only by himself in the room, he sits up and his mind wanders. The room feels familiar, comforting. Then part by part, memories come gushing into his head. The battle... the vortex, the enchanted forest. Then it continues to the white house, talking with a white-skinned snappy young man, and... his brother. They are Atthaphan and... Perawat? That name rings in his ears, Just call me... Perawat. Their conversation, he gave him medicine, Atthapan's grumpy voice. Oww, and then Perawat's face is pictured clearly on his head. And... the strange feeling resurfaces again. Oh, what a beautiful man, is he... the door suddenly opens. Atthaphan is at the door.

"Phiiii, he's awake again," Atthaphan yells and leaves the room. Hearing him calling for his brother, Prachaya quickly jumps from the bed, realizing too late that he is only in his pants. The rest of his body is covered in bandages. And the searing painful sore comes in a flash afterward. Prachaya grabs his throbbing chest and gives a silent painful shriek.

"Prachaya, what are you doing!" A yell can be heard from the door. Prachaya turns around and he can see Perawat rushing toward him. He immediately stands straight, ignoring the throb and trying hard to act like nothing is wrong. 

Perawat is now standing in front of Prachaya, his perturb face is also showing exasperation, "You shouldn't get up from bed, yet. Most of your wounds are healing, but the one on your chest, I still can't completely treat it." He checks the blood-seeped bandage, "Are you in pain? The wound opens again. Go back to your mattress," then he literally drags Prachaya towards the bed.

"No, wait, no," Prachaya pulls his hand back, "can I just... sit anywhere instead of lying on the bed. I feel so weak, useless." He taps Perawat's fingers that are still clutching his forearm, trying to give reassurance. 

"Phi Kit, he's strong enough to stand up like that, I think it is alright for him to be released from the confinement of the bed," Atthaphan's curt voice can be heard from the door.  The lean man is staring sharply at Prachaya, his pair of raven-black eyes blazing with jealousy. It is obvious that this man thinks very highly of his brother. He leaves the room with a loud mumble.

Don't want to be a burden and a weakling, he is after all a King, Prachaya nods and gazes at Perawat, "Atthaphan is right, lying in bed all day is not good for my recovery, and my mental health. I need to exercise, practice my skill again. You said before, if I'm not mistaken, I've slept for several days? And today, I've awakened after more days, haven't I?" Seeing Perawat's eyes are still filled with concern, he quickly adds, "It's not that I don't appreciate your caring for me, but... well... I give you my word. I won't overextend my activities. I promise."

Perawat can only sigh but he couldn't help but agree with Prachaya. "Of course. Just allow me to change the bandages, then starting today, you can leave the room and take a little walk outside." And again he pulls Prachaya's arm, but not towards the bed, but to a chair by the window. "Keep your word that you won't force yourself to do anything. Now, sit down, please."

"My word is my bond," Prachaya gives his words, then sits obediently on the chair, and can only grit his teeth when Perawat sits on a chair in front of him and uncovers his chest's bandage. He looks down and winces when he sees the reddened swollen skin around a long slash across his left chest. He notices Perawat's worried face, too. "It was a demon's blade. I have seen many weapons wielded by demons, struck by them several times, but this is the first time it felt... arrgg!" he was shocked by a jab of pain when Perawat smears some ointment on his wound.

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