Chapter 3

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I woke up early in the morning and shook Blair awake.
"You said we'll find him in the morning let's go let's go let's goooo!" I squealed happily
He groaned and slipped on his hero uniform.
"Alright but you didn't have to wake me up so early" he groaned.
I held tightly onto the picture of me and the man and smiled.
Blair picked me up and he opened his balcony door and we were off.
"I heard he works at UA so let's try there first" he thought out loud.
After maybe 30 minutes of flying we landed infront of a huge gate he kept me in his arms as he showed a camera his hero license. A few seconds later the gate opened and we walked through. I was extremely nervous and clung to Blair as we walked to a list of rooms and who taught what room.
"Ah he should be in class 1-A" Blair said and proceeded to walk to wherever that was.
We approached a classroom and Blair knocked on the classroom door.
I felt extremely nervous and hid my face against Blair's chest.
The door opened and Blair walked inside.
"Eraserhead I know your not happy to see me but I have a surprise for you."
Suddenly I was sat on my feet and I stared at the man with long black hair and a scarf who was almost ignoring both of us. I shyly walked towards him and lifted the photo of me and him to show him. His class was whispering but I kept my head staring at the floor almost scared of him. I could hear his body shift as he examined the photo I was trembling this man was extremely intimidating.
"That's a picture of me and my son how did you get it?."
I froze because I honestly didn't know.
"Where did you get it?" He said again this time in a more stern voice.
"I woke up a year ago in a pile of rubble and I just had it in my pocket I don't remember anything else I'm sorry" I apologized panicking and went to exit when he grabbed my shoulder and spun me back around he grabbed my face an looked me in the eye then his entire stern face softened.
I stared at him confused and scared.
His class was whispering loudly now and Blair looked concerned.
"Do you know who I am?" I asked him
He lead me outside into the hallway with Blair and shut the classroom door so me and him could have privacy I guess.
He nodded "Your my son your name is Saige you'd be nineteen this year"
"NINETEEN?!"Blair said surprised.
My supposably Dad stared at me "he has a quirk that makes him younger it must of malfunctioned he looks about nine or ten right now"
I grabbed his hand and played with his fingers shyly "Dadddd" I mumbled happily swaying my tail back and forth.
"Saige everyone thought you died"Dad said but I didn't know who he was talking about
"Saige" he said taking the hand I was playing with and pointing it to my chest "That's you your Saige" I smiled
"Saige" I said repeating the word and giggling to myself.
Dad and Blair talked for a while about how he found me and all that jazz while I played with Dads fingers.
I think dad took the rest of the day off because a spiky haired loud man said he was going to be the class substitute as he walked in the classroom.
Dad picked me up and started carrying me as he talked with Blair.
After a while he told Blair he'd talk to him later and placed me in a car. He got inside and started to drive I was nervous and didn't know what to say I just stared and him in awe my dad was a pro hero that's so cool!!!

We arrived at a huge house my eyes widened in shock it was as big as a castle!!!He parked the car at the front and helped me unbuckle my seatbelt and get out

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We arrived at a huge house my eyes widened in shock it was as big as a castle!!!
He parked the car at the front and helped me unbuckle my seatbelt and get out. I shyly followed him to the door as he unlocked it.

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