Chapter 7

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I woke up covered in 3 layers of blankets. I turned on cartoons and snuggled up with my pacifier in my mouth. Daddy walked in my room and brushed his fingers through my hair.
"Saige it's time to get up"
I whined hiding my face under the covers.
He chuckled and picked me up I whined loudly and struggled.
He cooed me and carried me downstairs in the living room.
"You stay here while me and Dada make some food."
I whined and just as he left the room I got up from where he placed me and decided I'd go exploring some more. I waddled around the house until I found a pretty room with plants and a fish aquarium I smiled and looked at one of the plants I picked up the pot and examined the plant smiling when I realized my quirk activated the plant wouldn't stop floating and I started to panic.
The pot fell and crashed onto the floor sending glass shards everywhere I panicked trying to put it back together hoping dad wouldn't notice when I activated my quirk again but this time the one floating was me.
My head hit the ceiling as I tried to control it knocking and shattering more plants the more I tried.
I cried knowing I was going to be in so much trouble when Dad found out.
I heard footsteps approaching the room I was in I panicked and flung myself out the window breaking the top part of the window in the process. I floated upwards torwards the sky realizing that I was genuinely stupid for leaving the room.
I managed to grab onto a piece of the roof and I held on as tightly as I could.
I heard Dada shouting from the window.
I cried "I'm on the roof I can't control my quirk please get help I can't hold on much more!!"
I heard him rush away.
After several minutes Dad came out and climbed into the roof his eyes lit up and his hair started floating then my quirk stopped and I fell back into the roof.
Dad picked me up and carried me back into the house he wouldn't even talk to me he was so angry at me.
I silently hung my head and stairted at the mess I had made.
Dad walked me to my room and told me to wait in there I was scared to move or do anything because I didn't want to get in more trouble.
He came back with Dada beside him.
I lowered my ears and avoided eye contact with them.
"Saige why didn't you stay put when I told you to"
"I just thought-"
Dada put his hand on Dad's shoulder to get him to calm down.
Dad picked me up and placed me over his knee and spanked my bottom ten times. I was in tears and trembling by the time they left my room.

I stared in the mirror for hours trying to focus on controlling my quirk. I didn't want to be the son of a pro hero that can't even control his own quirk.
I felt the energy of my quirk flow through my body then suddenly I was an older version of myself.
I looked like the poster in my room of me as a hero.
This must be my natural form.
I focused on controlling a hairbrush and it floated over my hand. I was getting the hang of this.
I was upset at my dad and I just wanted spite him.
I put my long hair in a ponytail and put on some more masculine clothes.

I walked out onto my balcony and tapped my shoes focusing my quirk on them I started floating I started off badly controlling how I floated but after flying for a while I got better.
I flew until I landed in the city. I put my hands in my pockets and walked around ignoring stares or any attention.
I ran into Blair and smiled.
"Remember me?"
"Whoah little kid not so little anymore"
I laughed and nodded
"Well yeah that's just how my quirk is"
He smirked "Well I'm just now getting off work so if you'd like to hang out we can."
I stammered embarrassed to be talking to a pro hero when I suddenly realized I was also a pro hero.
"Yes that would be great!"
We walked to his hero agency and I turned away as he undressed from his hero uniform into some normal clothes.

"Yes that would be great!"We walked to his hero agency and I turned away as he undressed from his hero uniform into some normal clothes

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