OC Introduction: Echo-5

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(This is mostly pre-Forsaken Echo)

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(This is mostly pre-Forsaken Echo)

Echo is usually really cheery, outgoing and extroverted. Kinda weird but it lightens the room.

Became a Guardian after D1, but before D2. Was founded by his Ghost on Nessus.

Found out that peanut butter and jelly is the best fucking snack in the universe.

Hence his Ghost’s name; PJ. His favorite Ghost. 

Second favorite snack is popcorn.


Prefers the longer capes.

Loves to dance. The weirder the better. Them hips can work 👀

His fireteam consists of four members; Spire (warlock), Wolf (titan) and Akali (warlock), including himself.

His memories after his reboots return quickly, and every time it almost shocks him so much that he has to sit down. 

So he has his normal voice before D2, but after the incident with Ghaul in the tower and him falling nearly 20 feet, it ruins his voice and he can’t talk for the remainder of the game. 

The only way for him to speak is by beeps and buzz noises coming from his new voice that Holiday made up for him. Ghost has to translate from him.

And those antennas you see on the side of his head move up and down whenever he speaks.

His nickname is “Bee” cause of his color scheme, and he also sounds like a bumblebee buzzing when he speaks.

He puts everyone ahead before himself, putting himself at risk at times because of his selflessness. 

Likes to take bets against Cayde. 

Cayde usually wins.

May also have a crush in the guy.

After the Traveler and Tower is taken, Echo gets really bad PTSD and gets really bad panic attacks whenever he fights the Cabal or even hears a mention of them. He gets short of breath quickly and needs to be with himself. 

When he does encounter them he has to remind himself what’s at stake here; his life and his Ghost’s life. He’s not about to let his fear win. So he takes a deep shaky breath before heading into battle. He knows he has to, even if he doesn’t want to.

His fireteam has to check on him often to make sure he’s okay and fit for traveling. 

Sometime after Ghaul is defeated Echo gets his voice fixed, and then after that it’s like he never stops talking. Or laughing. He’s like a school girl. It’s adorable. 

Echo does that head tilt thing when he’s confused because he can’t express his emotions well. This is one way of showing confusion or interest in something. (This is when his voice is gone)

He’s bisexual. Leans more towards guys. 

Since Ghost can only understand Echo, this gives the boy a chance to be a little bitch-

Zavala: says something mean
Echo: sassy beeps
Zavala: wHaT dId hE sAy

Aight so when he gets his voice back . . . since he loves his Ghost so much he would def hug PJ and tell him “thank you for being my voice”

He’s close with Cayde, not like lovers or anything but there’s definitely a crush there. It’s more of a Hunter to Hunter kind of relationship. Echo feels like he needs to prove himself to Cayde.

So when Cayde dies. . .  phew.

Echo goes into a major depressive state. I’m talking like, not speaking at all, to anyone. Even his fireteam. At least for a few days before he emerges from his little hidey hole. 

Very lonely and heartbroken too. 

I feel like after everything he’s seen with what happened to Cayde and the Prison, Echo gets very cold. Like no emotions for the entire time he’d going after Uldren with his fireteam. He’s not cold like mean or anything, he loves his friends and is not mean to them or his Ghost, or to anyone, but he’s so focused on getting after the prince that he doesn’t care if he puts himself in danger. He’s not thinking straight. 

He just wants to avenge Cayde so bad. 

He barely laughs, barely smiles. He’s not himself at all.

Echo returns to his normal self once Uldren is gone. Sort of. 

He’s still depressed and the Vanguard doesn’t hear from him often. He’s almost a ghost now. He visits his fireteam often though.

He’s an elusive marksman, favoring bows over snipers and wearing dark clothing to hide himself in corners. You rarely see him in the open, and when you do get a good look because when you blink he’s gone. 

You’re damn right he gets Cayde’s gun and ship, and he treats them like his kids, royalty, cares for their condition every day.

He even has Cayde's cloak.

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