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Is destiny always what we need? But what if what we need is in the way ,and after that is just ,all darkness. Is it possible to breakthrough?
Is the step taken in the right direction, can lift our whole world upside down? Or can it heal the wounds of past?...

Zie's POV:

Zie: It's all gonna go so well.

I said while looking at mirror..
Zie: Who am I kidding? I am so nervous that I am breaking into cold sweats.

Where is my confidence now. Hey that's not me why am I so nervous. If I am good at anything is being not like this. Aissshhh okay what should I do.

Zie: Flowers? Chocolates? But she doesn't feel like that she really want that.

Why am I thinking too much .
Zie: Oh I know!!

I got back to my senses with that. Wore my coat and went on my way...
Zie: I hope today and after that you will never be sad.


As walking this path once again, how different my feelings are. The difference is the reason , the purpose. The cause. Never in these past years I would have thought that I would ever change, that there will be a reason for me to go on, dream on and live on. What was lacking was that feeling to pass through that i deserve to be happy too. My life is not only for others but for me too. The thing I ignored weren't my fears and insecurities that was ME. How I came here it doesn't matter, It shouldn't ever . Now I have to walk this path, I have to ,don't know where it will lead me, but I can't go back. Even if things doesn't go as I expect , I don't care anymore. How bad it can be ?

Crossing the bridge and reaching there , the same trees , the same wind, the same scenery but all incomplete without him.

Thinking that the voice i was waiting for ,It atlast hit me.

Zie: Hey ,hope I am not too late.
He said while hiding something in his hands
Nora: Well even if you are, it really doesn't matter now. Whatchya hiding there?
I said while trying to peek but failed in the end.
Nora: Oh please don't tell me that THE MR ZIE really bought flowers or something because i really couldn't hold my laugh.
I said while chuckling
Zie: Nah..not really.
He said while showing his hands
Nora: Mint Choco chip ice cream??!!!
I said while there was complete shock on my mind . He really remembered
Nora: You remembered?
I said while with unexplained expressions on my face.
Zie: Ofcourse! I did. You said you had it when you were the happiest. I may not reverse the time but I would do anything that i have in my control to make you happy.
He said while holding the ice creams
Nora: That's very thoughtful of you Zie.
I said while my eyes teared up
Zie: Hey don't cry. People will call me moron and stupid for making a girl this pretty cry? You want that?
He said with a straight face but I could easily observe his mischievous tone
Nora: Maybe ..I want that. As someone said that I am full of surprises.
I said with a smile
Zie: Well we will see Ms.Nora.
Nora: WAIT. Why there are two ice creams. You told me that you hate mint chocolate ice cream.
I said curiously
Zie: Well there is never late to change.
He said while taking a spoonful of ice cream.
Zie: Ahhhh.. Wow.Have I been living a lie my whole life? It's not bad.
Nora: See I told you you can't hate it unless you try it.
I said while smiling as i just experienced a great victory.
Zie: That was the smile.. I was talking about.
he said while smiling. I blushed a little. Oh god what's happening my stupid heart.
Nora: Hey, didn't you ask me to go to an amusement park with you?
I said while raising my eyebrow.
Zie: yeah ..yeah

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