Dogs & Wagers

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*Onika's P.o.v.**

Seeing Megan was the icing on the cake to already wild day, my stomach churning up was not helping. I was ready to puke and this hoe was in the way.

"Well well, look at the fraud couple. This is cute."

"Fuck off Twilight Sparkle!" I yell.

"Beyonce control your chihuahua. It's barking at me!" Megan said pointing to me.

I lunge forward and bite her finger hard. Megan screamed and Beyonce shoved her hand in my mouth to get Megan's finger out. Just in time to because I was going to bite it off.

"What the fuck!" Beyonce yelled.

"Woof Woof!" I barked.

"Are you insane?" Megan said holding her hand and looking at her reddened and I'm sure fractured finger.

Beyonce shoved me past Megan and out the door. In the parking lot I walked ahead trying to burn off the energy that just manifested.

"Onika! Onika! You get back here!"

"Go away!"

At the car Mama Tina was standing outside with Ally who was jumping around while she took pictures. Tina looked back and me and Beyonce and shook her head. Julius got out of Bey's driven car and stood next to Ally. Tina walked over and stopped us and spoke.

"Hey, What's wrong?"

"Killa just bit Megan in the elevator." Bey said slapping my ass.

"Oh, And?" Tina said confused at Beyonce's response.

"Mom! That's crazy."

"Well tell the bitch to stop stalking ya'll. Ya'll have seen her like almost every day. Anyway, she lost a finger?" Mama Tina asked with a smile.

"No, It's probably broken though." I mumble.

"Welp, that's life. How's my new grandchild?" Tina said rubbing my belly.

I got misty eyed and looked at Beyonce before slapping her dead in the face.

"I hate you right now! I can't even be happy about what just happened because you fucked it up! The audacity of your tall yellow ass to think I would have a baby for another man when you was out here handing out dick like free samples. I was going to tell you when I had took the test until you charged in that bathroom and choked me up thinking I was sleeping with Tate. So yeah, I didn't tell your dumbass then and held it back because I knew that once you found out I was pregnant you were going to be on your bullshit. Playing cute in my face acting like you love me and care but doing dirt behind my back and as soon I drop the baby it's fuck Nicki and I'm all about my baby."

Bey looked hurt and Tina was looking at her like she wanted to knock her out but she looked at me and softened her face and rubbed my cheek.

"Onika, it's not an act. I do love you, I'm working hard to make this work and I only want you. I'm sorry about that day in the bathroom I was mad because I thought you'd leave me for Tate and if you did I knew I couldn't get you back."

"Beyonce..." I sigh.

Beyonce and I hugged and she picked me up and kissed me.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for smacking you."

Bey put me down and put her hand on my stomach.

"We have to talk tonight okay? I don't want you stressed out this go 'round."

"I guess Onika is going to be far away from you then." Mama Tina said grinning.

She walked back over to Ally who gratefully was oblivious of everything digging at leaves with Julius over her.

"Let's do a surprise twin reveal gender reveal. I want to get her back for playing with me." Bey whispered in my ear.

I nodded and smiled and Bey pulled me in close for a deep kiss wrapping her arms around my shoulders. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes and smiled.


"You having my babies. I hope they're both girls too."

"No! I'm getting a son. I'd take two of them. Ally is your mini me."

"Well let's split the diff but I bet it's two girls."

"Bet huh? I say two boys."


"I want a brand new black truck with pink rims and pink trimmed black leather seats and a babymoon."


"A trip together before the babies come."

"Oh, Awww...that would have been cute last go round."

"I know, you were too busy being a fuck up for us to do it."

"I'm a dog ass bitch." Bey grumbled.

I nodded and stretched.

"Let's go get something eat. I want some curry and ox tails."

"That spot is around the corner."

"Say less BB."

We left to our cars and went over to the restaurant.


Sorry it's short. Just won't have time tonight to write.

Excuse all errors!


*Poll: Team Boys, Team Girls, or 1 AND 1?*


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