Chapter 2 ~ The Prince Charming

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Hey guys! Here is chapter 2, I know it's been long awaited for the longest time but don't worry, it's here now!

Ariadne's POV

Fluttering my eyes open, I see that I'm in my bed. Was all that happened a dream? How did I get into bed? Sitting up, something falls off my head. It was a small, wet towelette. I touched it and it was lukewarm. Did I have a fever in my sleep? Who put this on me? Turning my head up, I spot the cat on the corner of my bed. Did I fall asleep in the sitting room with the cat and Owen carried me and the cat here?

Looking around, I see my phone on my bedside cabinet and turn it on. The time was 12:20 pm but that's not what made me freak out. What made me freak out was that TWO DAYS WENT PAST! How in the world? Why didn't Owen wake me up? Eh? What's with all these texts from Betha, Sachya, and Yuuki? Well, I guess if one of them slept for two days straight, I would be worried. Sighing, I get up from the bed. My legs wobble and I fall a little. This is what I get for staying in bed for so long.


That damn cat scared me. Why is it still here? And isn't its owner worried? Whatever... I walk out of my room and hear a T.V. I follow the noise into my brother's room and see him playing video games. "You're up. Finally. You were tossing and turning in your sleep and you had a fever. I left you to sleep." He said with his headset on. "No, I'm talking to Ria, James." Owen finishes as my eyes light up. I haven't seen James in ages. Rushing over, I take his headset off his head and put it on mine. "Hey!"

His annoyed face made me giggle. I know it wasn't a 'shoot em' up' game or anything like it. He's just talking to him while he plays his RPGs and he wasn't fighting anything. "Sup James! Long time no talk!" I talk into the mic as I hear a laugh on the other end. "Long time no talk to you Aria. You doing fine?" he asks as Owen tries to get his headset back. "Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, talk later. Bro is trying to get the headset back." Taking off the headset, I give it to Owen and leave.

James was Owen's best friend in elementary school and was my friend to an extent. I had a small crush on him back then but then I stopped seeing him as much. Plus, if we got together it would be weird, me dating my brother's best friend? Nah, that ain't me. Anyway, I walked into the kitchen when my legs just started to stop working. It isn't paralysis because I could feel my weight on them and I don't have anemia. I guess that they are still numb? But if they were, why was I able to walk here?

Meow, Meow!

Again you damn cat? He was in the doorframe of my room and was just sitting there. Sooner or later, it came my way until it was in front of me. Just then, a thought raced through my head. "Was that real?" I ask the cat as its head tilted to the left. What am I doing? Talking to a cat? I'm going mad now. I try to stand but another headache happens. I groan loudly which got the attention of Owen. I fall back as he catches me. I stay conscious for a little while until it was all gone.

~3 Hours & 30 Minutes Later~

I wake up and I'm in bed again. Huh, there are people in here! "Guys! She's up!" A familiar feminine voice yells as someone hugs me. My vision becomes clear and the one who's hugging me is Betha. There were others too, Owen, Sachya, and Yuuki. "You OK sis?" Owen asks as I nod. "You sure? Your bro said you fainted earlier and before that, you were bedridden for two days while having a fever and tossing and turning." Yuuki tells me with his worried face. "I'm sure she will be fine you guys. She's strong." Sachya reassures them but it doesn't work.

We talked for a long time and Owen bought us a tray of sandwiches. The sun started setting and the lighting in my room turned from bright to dim orange. Everyone left and I was left there by myself with the cat. "Aren't you going to go to your owner?" I ask the cat as it's head tilted to the right. "You want to stay with us?"

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