Chapter 3 ~ Transformation

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Ariadne's POV

With a sigh, I closed the door and went to my room to get out of my uniform and into my pajamas. Now feeling more free in my pajamas, I flopped on the couch while using the remote to switch through channels. My focus began wavering as I continued flipping through channels until I eventually fell asleep.

"How long will you stay inactive...? When will you awaken to the truth and stop hiding? The time has come..."

I wake up to my phone alarm ringing. It's midnight... why was there an alarm set to midnight?

"So you're awake now."

That voice...! I look to where that voice is coming from and I see the boy from the other night near the window, looking at me with no emotion. "Wh-Who are you?! Why are you in my house!?!" I grabbed the first thing I can get and got ready to throw it at him. "You're really going to throw a cushion at me?" With those words, I look at my hand and that I am actually holding a cushion. "Put that down and let's talk." He walked towards me as I got more defensive. The dark haired boy sat next to me and looked straight at me. For some reason, I start to lower my guard, little by little. "Good, you seem to understand." He sighs.

"Long story short, I'm your guardian and have to protect you from magic beings." My face must've showed so much confusion because he started to look annoyed. "Ugh, great! I have to be a guardian for an imbecile..." He scoffs as my blood begins boiling. "What the hell!? You wanted me to calm down and now you insult me just because I don't understand this wacky looney toons mind fuck of a story? You're unreasonable..." I look away as he grabs my chin to move my face to face him again. He brought his face closer to mine until our lips met. That led me to push him away and slap him. "What the fuck!?!" I began to freak as a light came from my right shoulder, my gaze went to look at it. It looked like the outline of a shield with an hourglass design on it. "Huh?" There was a light from his right shoulder with the same mark.

"Now you noticed. That night when I kissed you, a seal was placed on me and you. That's the seal of my guardianship . Now do you believe me?" He asked as I slightly nod. "T-Then why did you kiss me now...?" I muttered with a red face, "It's the only way for me to reveal both of our seals. Look, I don't make the rules for this stuff. If I did, I wouldn't do that for a second time. Trust me, you're not my type." Wow, rude much... "So what does this mean, you're my familiar?". "No. I'm your guardian. Familiars are things you summon, we are assigned to certain people whose fates are tied with being in danger with magic beings to protect them. You're one of those people." So my fate is gonna be crazy huh... sounds like this is an anime or something like that... "Okay. Since you're my guardian, what's your name?" I asked as he sighs for another time, "You really are an imbecile... I'll give you a hint, I can shapeshift into a cat." Wait... "Damian? The cat...?" He nods as he shapeshifted into a cat. "Woah, woah, woah, woah! That's so awesome you can shapeshift into a cat!" My eyes begin to light up, "You don't find this strange? A guy changing into a cat?" His question made me shake my head no as I picked him up. "You're a strange girl..." I chuckled as I placed him on the floor and he transformed back. "So, you gonna be a cat forever or... what's the plan with you?" I asked, "You'll find out. For now, head to bed. You got school tomorrow, right?" Just as he mentions school I feel a wave of exhaustion hit me. I feel his arms scoop my legs and cradle my neck as he takes me to my room and places me on my bed. I immediately fall asleep.


I wake up to my phone alarm going off, it being 6am. Huh? I never wake up at 6am... "So you always wake up to your alarm? Even though you're a heavy sleeper..." Huh? I look up and see Damian leaning on my door. "So last night wasn't a dream..." My mumbles filled the room as he threw something on my bed. It was my uniform, neatly folded and pressed. "Get ready for school, I'll leave you to change." He exits my room, out of my sight. I sighed and began putting on my uniform and doing my hair. After a while, I step out to see a cup of coffee made on the counter with a piece of paper leaning on it with my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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