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It's a few days from Christmas and the dragonfly family were getting things ready for their vacation, but this family was not all dragonfly, there was one that thought was a dragonfly but in fact was a dragon that cannot fly yet, he was found on the door steps of the dragonfly's house where they then raised him as their own, but nobody said that raising him was easy, but at the same time it was not hard, the dragon was good natured but when it came to family, he was a bit of a brat and a trouble maker, he was 8 years old after all. His entire family were staying at the same house as they were living, it was overcrowded and chaotic despite them being small, but small creatures can create such big messes and throw big parties.

The family were getting stuff ready for their vacation, all of them were packed, all but one.

(Just so you know, I've watched this movie dozens of times for years, but I never really gave a damn about what most of these characters were called, so if I get them mixed up then screw it, anyways you may resume)

Spyro: can you help me pack my bags?

Jeff: aren't you old enough to pack on your own? Oh that's right you're completely helpless, I forgot

Spyro: but I've never done it before

Jeff: like I said, helpless

Spyro was asking everyone to help him pack his bags, but who wants to read this part, let's skip to next one shall we?

Readers:(nods yes)

Good now where was I?

Me: (reading my notes) oh here are

A small police officer riptoc was in the middle of the house by the front door hoping to get in touch with the owner of this house and a dragonfly pizza guy was waiting for someone to pay for the huge leaning tower of pizza boxes he was holding in his tiny arms.

The riptoc from earlier was trying to talk to someone but they all walked passed him and ignored him.

Riptoc: hey excuse me, pardon me, (groans) great, several brats, and a few adults, what is this a fancy orphanage?!

Back with Spyro cause I'm not good at dialogue.

Spyro: I need your help to pack

Tracy: Spyro you're what the French call liz incompetent (sorry don't know French let alone how to properly spell it)

Spyro: what?

Tracy: never mind that, besides you know aunt Nina is going to pack your stuff anyways, oh and ps, fuller is sleeping with you, and if he has something to drink, then he's gonna wet the bed(leaves)

Spyro:(angrily) this house sucks and so does this family, when I get old and rich, I'm gonna live alone! You hear me?! I'm living alone! I'm living alone! I'm living alone!

Then Flash, the adoptive father of Spyro and the real father of Sparx came up to the pizza guy and riptoc police officer.

Flash: evening officer

Riptoc: officer Ripto at your service, now are you the owner of this house, the one that lives here?

Flash: yes

Pizza guy: good because somebody owes me $112

Flash: right(gives him the money, which was just leaves cause I don't know what else to use)

Ripto: anyways I wanted to talk to you

Flash: why am I in trouble or something?

Ripto: oh no I was just checking on things, you know there's always something going on, on Christmas

Flash: oh we have our own security system that automatically turns on around ten and our Christmas lights are on a timer

Ripto: okay, so where are you and your family going?

Flash: oh just away from the swamps where it's cooler and more humid at my brother's house

Ripto: oh that's nice, and you don't have to worry about a thing, your house is in good hands

Flash then leaves the to alone.

Ripto:(evilly smiles) yes all according to my evil plan

Pizza guy: what evil plan?

Ripto: (shouts) get out of here!!

The pizza guy then leaves, then Flash went into the dining room where everything is a complete mess, he saw that the passports were soaking wet and saw that Sparx and Spyro were fighting.

Flash:(yells) what is going on in here?!!

Sparx and Spyro: he started it! No I didn't you started it!! You started it!!

Flash: (shouts) I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it!

Spyro:(points at Sparx) he ate my butterfly cheese pizza on purpose and he nose I hate gnats and mosquitoes!

Sparx: not true!

Flash: enough! Nina dry the passports, and you young man, go to your room!

Spyro:(pouts) you can't make me

Flash then grabbed Spyro by his tiny wings and pulled him out of the kitchen and up the stairs of their home.

Flash: of all the people in this house, you're the one who has to cause the most trouble, now go upstairs

Spyro:(angrily) I am upstairs dummy

Flash:(angrily too) I meant up upstairs smart ass

Spyro: the attic?

Flash: yes, now go up

Spyro: this family sucks, this family hates me and I hate them

Flash: well maybe you should ask Santa for a new family

Spyro: I don't want a new family, I don't want any family

Flash:I don't want to see your face for the remainder of this night you hear me?

Spyro: I hear, and I don't want to see you for the remainder of my life! And I also don't want to see any of my family for the rest of my life either!

Flash: you know you don't mean that, you'd be very upset knowing you'd wake up and you didn't have a family to love you

Spyro: you would but me, I would have the time of my life

Flash: goodnight

Spyro with an empty stomach and clouded thoughts of anger then goes to bed, wishing his family would go away forever, but little does he know that his wish will come true.

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