A Chance Encounter

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"Hey, get back here!" A voice barks in the cool night air as a boy races through the streets of Soho. Breath coming out in misty gasps and legs feeling as though they are filled with lead, he doesn't slow. "You can't run forever demon!"

The kid rounds the corner and slips into a corner building. He peers out the window on the door, breath fogging the glass slightly as he waits. Five other boys round the corner, hollering for the younger tucked safely in the building. He breathed a sigh of relief as he watched them run out of sight.

"I do apologize," the boy jumps at the new voice. "But the book shop is currently closed."

The boy turns towards the man with a kind voice, keeping his head down, eyes out of sight. "I'm sorry, I just needed a place to rest for a bit if that's alright." The man takes in the boys shaking frame. The breaths coming out in more controlled quick huffs. Sweat-soaked snow-white curls plastered to his forehead. He let's a sympathetic smile rest on his face.

The boy hears the man sigh, "I suppose it will be okay for a few minutes. Come, I'll make you some hot chocolate." The boy follows the man, one hand fumbling around his pocket to fish out a pair of old sunglasses. He quickly slips on the round gold-rimmed shades and finally starts looking around.

The shop was filled with old books most of which he had never heard of. This place seemed more homely than most bookstores. His attention was brought back to the man when he patted a chair that was situated near a little table. "Wait right here." The man smiled, his enthusiasm was contagious as the boy found himself smiling as well. The older man walked further into the shop weaving through shelves of books. The man had almost white short curly hair, blue eyes, and wore a cream-colored coat. He seemed nice from what the kid could gather so far.

He was kinda glad the door was unlocked, he was about to collapse from running so much, he doesn't want to think about what those other boys would have done to him then. It caused him to shudder slightly. "Here we go." The man's voice said cheerfully, breaking the kid out of his train of thought. "One hot chocolate for you, and for myself, a coffee." He said setting down one of the mugs on the little table and pulling out another seat for himself.

"Thank you." The hot chocolate smelled amazing. He grabbed the mug and took a small sip from it, being careful to make sure it wouldn't burn his mouth. He closed his eyes in delight at how heavenly it tasted.

"May I inquire your name?" The man questioned politely, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I'm Damien Paltrow. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier." The kid quickly apologizes. Holding out a hand.

The shopkeeper smiled, accepting the hand, giving it a shake. "I'm Zirah Fell." Damien smiled softly, the man put him at a sort of ease, and he didn't know quite why, but he also didn't quite care.

After a few minutes of talking, mostly about books, there is a knock on the door. Mr. Fell sighs, placing his cup on the small table before getting up. He opens the door to the faces of five boys a little older looking than Damien. "How can I help you, lads?" He smiles.

"Ah, yes, sir, we are looking for our em friend," the oldest of the group speaks up "demo- I mean, Desiree, have you, by any chance, seen her? Short curly white hair, eyes you can't miss." Some of the group chuckled at that.

Mr. Fell looked to be pondering it for a moment. "Nope, no here by that name, sorry."

The kids faces all seem to fall into annoyance, the oldest smacks a grin onto his face. "Well, thanks anyway sir." He states through gritted teeth.

An Angel, A Demon, and A Human Walk Into a Bookshop (Repost)Where stories live. Discover now