Chapter 3

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Above (Damien)
Hope you guys and gals enjoys chapter 3.

Chapter 3

A glare of sunlight was shining straight into my eyes causing me to wake up. "Jayde your up" it was Nat. Why was Nat in my room and who let her in, I questioned in concern. My eyes were barely open and I had slobber all over my mouth from my dog. "What are you doing?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Your late for school so get ready" my eyes widened "what?" I quickly jumped out washing my face and chucking on skinny jeans and a single. Nat laugh at my struggle. tired my hair in a bun and too a banana and we ran too school. "Jayde you need to set your alarm" she said while we sprinted too school. "I think I realised that" I replied with sass. We ran into the building quickly shoving our bags in our lockers and hurrying to first period. Nat wasn't in my class so I ran to my class by myself. The hallway was empty and class had already started. I slammed open the door and looked for an empty seat. I saw one right in the back corner and rushed over taking my seat until I realised that Damien Green was sitting right besides me. I was in too modes of panic, first on was that I was ten minutes late for class and will surely get and after school detention and the other was that I took the seat next to Damien Green without even realising.

"Sorry I was late Mrs" I said quickly pulling out my history books and opening them. "Mrs Hewitt whats your excuse for being ten minutes late?" Her eyes wide and arms crossed over her large breast. I couldn't think of a lie nothing came to mind so I had to be honest. "I slept in.." I mumbled. The class giggled. "That's not good enough, after school detention for you" and headed straight to the board to continue what she was writing. I sunk into my chair then I heard a whisper. I turned and it was Damien. "Your really on a roll of getting in trouble this year" he smirked. I chuckled and turned my head away. I tried to concentrate in the teacher but something distracted me. A little note flew onto my books, i looked around making sure no one was looking. It was hard to understand but i made of it, cute top but naughty personality it read. I looked around trying to see who sent it. I quickly shoved the note into my pocket and tried to examine everyone's face but everyone seemed usual nothing suspicious. "Jayde whats the answer?" Mrs Mendez asked. I was totally not paying attention to anything she said not even what she asked. "I'm waiting?" She warned. "Um.." I stuttered. "I wasn't paying attention can you please repeat it?" Biting my nails nervously. "Mrs Hewitt you aren't of to a good start so I suggest you start paying attention" that wasn't the first time I've hear that before.

First period was finally over and I had the next two off so I waited for Nat and the boys to come so we could hang out but after five minutes of waiting they didn't come. I thought they had also taken the second and third period off but I guess not. I pulled my bag over my shoulder and started walking down the corridor alone. As I walked down I saw Damien Green standing in front of the music room but standing in front of him was Casey Jones.
"Come on Damien" she pleaded.
"Im sorry but Im busy" he said trying to walk back to his friends but she held him back with her hand pushing him back against the wall. "Pretty please" she begged gradually getting closer to him while biting her lip and gazing straight into his deep eyes. She was so close to him that her mouth almost touch his until he pushed her away quickly ran of to his friends. He ran his figures through his lush hair as walked past me quickly and handed me a soft smile. I walked past Casey standing there rejected. "What are you looking at?" She warned. "Nothing" I twisted and quickly walked out of the senior building. I walked around the corner and saw Isaac pinning up some guy against the wall.

"I didn't mean too" he squirmed
"I don't believe you Eric"
"It was an accident" he pleaded,
"So it was an accident you putting jam all over my locker. I think your a lier" Isaac yelled with his fist aimed straight at his face.
"Im sorry, they made me"
"Who made you?"
"Damien, Micah, James and Brad. They said they would give me a hundred bucks to do it" he whined.
"So you did it, I hope it was worth it" He said grabbing the hundred dollars and pushing him to the ground.
"Hey thats mine" he said
"Not anymore" he walked off.

He was coming my way I quickly tried to escape before he noticed me. "Hey girlie" he said. "I'm talking to you don't walk away." I paused. "Yes?" I played dumb. "You didn't see anything okay" he warned. "Well he got what he deserved I say" I replied. "It wasn't nice, he shouldn't of done that too you."
"You are on my side...?" Sounding surprised. "Well yeah I guess" i said. "I don't like Eric anyways"
"Im don't think anyone does" he chuckled and walked away. Well that was strange, extremely strange. I walked to my table and sat down bored.

I know it was a short chapter but I'll try and make the next one longer.
Hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment and give me some feedback it would be highly appreciated.
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I also have another book if your interested in reading. It's not that great but it's something haha.

Anyways good luck reading xx

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