3-The Enterance Exams

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Mochi's POV

I stood at the gates of UA with my best friend and my brother. I felt excitement hitting me in waves. I smiled, "Okay, so the written portion is first. We can do this!"

"Calm down, keep your mind at ease," Shinso commented. He patted me on my shoulder, "Remember to focus on the tests."

Kirishima piped up, "Come on, bro. It's so manly that she's pushing us." I giggled at that.

I gently tugged at his recently done-up red hair. I smiled, "Yeah, so let's do it, Kiri."

I noticed a familiar face approaching. I called out, "Izuku!" He looked over and grinned. He jogged over to us.

He stated, "I talked to a girl."

I nodded at him. I asked, "Was she pretty?" He enthusiastically nodded in response. I said, "Well, I bet it's time you meet my group right?"

He glanced behind me to notice the two taller boys. He skittishly nodded at the comment. I pointed to my red-headed best friend, "This is Ejiro Kirishima, I call him Kiri for short. He's my childhood friend."

I then pointed to the purple-haired boy with dark under eyes. I stated happily, "He is my big brother, Hitoshi Shinso. He may be grumpy but don't mind him too much."

Izuku bowed to them, "M-My name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you!"


After the written test, we all grouped up again. Shinso smirked, "I feel like I rocked that test. But now..." he trailed off frowning.

I mumbled, "Yeah, robots..." I looked up, "But... I'm kinda dumb, Toshi. So, I feel like this is my spot to shine."

Kirishima smiled, "Well, I hope I do okay in both." He placed his fists together. He smiled cheekily at us.

Shinso responded, "I don't need to shine. Remember that Mochi and I both signed up for General Studies in case we fail this." Shinso glanced at me, "Although, I'm almost certain Mochi will pass. Either way, dad would have made her pass by recommendation. And me too, if we asked."

I pouted, "Come on, you know better than that! You'd at least get into the support class."

Shinso rolled his eyes, "Remember, not everyone sees my quirk as you do."

I was about to continue the ranting but I was cut off. Mic went, "Welcome to today's live performance! Everybody say "Hey"!" There was dead silence. He continued by explaining about the exams. In the end, he said, "Plus Ultra! Break a leg, everyone!"

We went to the sites. I looked around and only saw one familiar face, Izuku. He's more like a harmless chance one but with One for All... Okay, yeah... Nope, he'll probably run this site.

We took off and I ran for a while. I had somersaulted some and melted a good bit of them. I landed to be on top of another one. I placed my hands on the metal and heated it. I fried the machine. I can't let my family or Kiri down.

After I hit 56 points I noticed the "gimmick." I wanted to evade it but I noticed a brunette. I went over wrapping her in my arms. I pulled her up and threw her arm over my shoulder.

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