4-We Made It

18 0 0

Mochi's POV

I was sitting on my bed. I was scrolling absentmindedly through my contacts. I heard a knock. "Yes?" I called out.

I heard a familiar sleep-deprived voice, "Mochi, you guys' letters are here. Hitoshi is already at the dining room table." It's only been a week and they're here?!

I jumped out of bed and rushed to my door. I opened it to be greeted by dad's back. His long black hair was barely past his shoulders. I followed after him watching his hair sway.

Eventually, I sat down at the table. I looked at dad with his scruffy beard. He set the letters in front of both of us. His eyes held excitement in them. He stated, "Go ahead."

We each ripped them open to see a holograph appear. It was a video of All Might. He began, "It's been a while. There's been much to deliberate on. I'm in town for only one reason. I've come to teach at UA."

It continued, "I'm here to announce, that you have pásśed into the hero course." I looked at my brother, while mine had said passed his said failed. He continued, "You were accepted into general studies."

I heard dad sigh, "So are you guys okay with this?"

Hitoshi weakly smiled, "I know I can change it with some hard work."

Dad stated, "Alright, well you know I'm here. Also, before the results become public, I'd love you to know, Mochi, you beat everyone."

I smiled, "So I guess I'll be in your class?" He simply nodded his head yes.

He let out an exasperated sigh, "Yeah, my class is 21 this year instead of the typical 18."

My eyes lit up in confusion. Hitoshi spoke up, "Dad, that's a lot." I nodded at this looking at him for a response.

He said, "Two were recommended. I said that I required either of you to be in mine when you passed. Then they stuck me with gremlins that passed the exams."

I softly mumbled, "Oh..."


Exam results- Villain Rescue

Mochi Mizo 56 30
Katsuki Bakugo 77 0
Ejiro Kirishima 39 35
Ochako Uraraka 28 45
Ibara Shiozaki 36 32
Itsuka Kendo 25 40
Tenya Iida 52 9
Izuku Midoriya 0 60
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu 49 10
Fumikage Tokoyami 47 10

I glanced over my screen again. I felt my smile become wide. I beat Bakugo. That's amazing! I then noticed Kirishima in third. Kiri did great too. He got more rescue points than me. Why am I not surprised?

I stared at the next name, Uraraka. Papa told me that was the brunette. She did great, she saved Izuku from doom. I glanced over the three after her, I have no clue who these people are.

I landed on eighth place, Izuku. He made the top 10! He made it. He did it. I bet Bakugo is going to be ticked off. Yet, I'll cancel him out so it doesn't really matter.


Our teacher sat in front of us in the teachers' lounge. I stood in between Izuku and Bakugo. He stated, "How wonderful that three of our students made it into UA! Especially you, Midoriya! That's a miracle we never expected!"

He continued ranting but I didn't care to listen. After what felt like a never-ending tirade he dismissed us.


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