Death Twenty-Five

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 If there was one thing Oceana loved more than money and trinkets, it was to argue and she wielded sarcasm like a sword. She did not care to be delicate. Had Desolation been royal born, Lady Dal-Raseay would have softened her words until she spoke the illusion of sincere compliment.

"Well, perhaps a seat would be more accommodating and better suited since you are not a dog and certainly not a potted plant," Lady Dal-Raseay replies.

"My Lord Jerrath said I could sit anywhere I wished, I chose the floor."

Yes, he had said those words.

"Oh my dear, aren't you a treat. You have misunderstood. He meant any chair, not the floor."

"If he wanted me to sit in a chair, he would have asked me to sit in a chair. He did not. My Lord Jerrath is very specific."

"You act as if you know him. How long have you lived here? Two Moons? I have known Lord Jerrath for five Moon Turns."

"I am confident he did not spend much time with you," Desolation dully replies.

Lord Dal-Raseay snorts and his tea baptizes his mouth with a splash. He quickly morphs it into a cough and dabs the flyaway tea with his napkin.

Centuries of business negotiations conjoined with never-ending, nerve-wracking pain have perfected Lord Jerrath's game face.

Not many dared to enter a verbal debate with Oceana because they feared her famous temper and her father's power. Due to her many painful deaths, Desolation feared nothing, except dragons.

"Now that is a little presumptuous, don't you think?" Oceana huffs.

"Not at all. If you knew anything about you claim to love, then you would know my Lord Jerrath is very specific."

Oceana's eyes widen and her mouth opens in an awkward O, believing no one would dare contradict her.

"I doubt he spends much time with you either."

"On the contrary, we spend every early-night together. I am so inexperienced and he has much to teach me."

Lord Jerrath cannot contain the smile spreading across his countenance. Desolation voiced the words in such a way that it insinuated much more than simply studying. If only they spent their early nights in such a manner. Some night he hoped they might.

Oceana bit the bait, gasped, crossed her arms over her well-endowed chest and says, "Oh, I see." She then turns toward Lord Jerrath and voices stiffly, "I do apologize Lord Jerrath, it has been a long journey and I am simply exhausted. Would you mind terribly if I retired for a short nap before dinner?"

"Not at all." He waves to Syd and Mendelle to escort the Lady to her rooms and to insure she did not wander into his. She stood sulkily and left in a flurry of black and grey silk.

Amazed Lady Dal-Raseay would cede to an argument and amused by the entertained expression on Lord Dal-Raseay's mien, Lord Jerrath grabs another lemon poppy tea cake. Lord Dal-Raseay mimics. It is clear they share the same thoughts. Desolation's last statement viciously pinched Oceana's delicate toes.

If Desolation had the power to remove Lady Dal-Raseay from a room, Ofinren's Balls, he might keep her at his side. A notion he did not look upon unkindly.

Desolation stands and announces, "Lighting needs to pee, I am taking him outside."

"Please do, I would rather not have him relieve himself on the tiles. If he can't make it, put him in the plants."

"My Lord Jerrath, don't be so crass, he would never relieve himself inside."

"My apologies. He is a special animal."

Desolation lifts the handsome aqua and byzantine cat and exits through the door on the right leading to the main hall.

Shivers of delight drip from skull to groin when the mesmeric vision of Desolation's back enters his view. From shoulder to shoulder and from neck to the base of her spine sits material like an angler's net exposing an enticing amount of skin. It's a spell only for his eyes.

A large snake marque crawls from left hip to right shoulder blade but scales are replaced with illegible runes and marques.

How he wished to slide his fingers up her sides and- - -

"It seems you are quite taken with the young Lady," Lord "Dal-Raseay intones.


"I can see why. It takes a special soul to make Ocana withdraw. What kind of Lady is she?"


Lord Dal-Raseay chuckles and says, "Aren't they all?"

"She's quieter than a T'shog unless she is angered."

"It gladdens my heart to she has managed to stay. I understand why you found a water dancer. A cloud of power develops her."

"Her power isn't something that can be easily hidden. Due to her upbringing, she never learned the way of Lous'rife and Will. She can't control herself and magic lays dormant."

"Most of the time?"

"Accidents happen. Ceres and Myorla are excellent teachers. They take their studies with pride."

"She must be a very special being to make you smile in such a way," the spider Lord intones.

"Of course I am, my body is no longer wracked with pain. For the first time in centuries, I am relieved of pain for more than a moon. I can breathe without fire searing my lungs. I can blink without my eyelids scorching. Desolation saved my life."

"I ran into Wind of the Skar'Lette Blossoms, he may be joining us for tea?" Desolation asks from her position in the doorway.

"Certainly," Lord Jerrath finds an oddity he can no longer feel a mind space with Lighting.

"If you do not mind, Lord Jerrath," Lord Jerrath Dal-Raseay interjects, " I will follow my daughter's example. The darkness makes us Rhyun walkers sleepy."

"Do as you wish, Lord Dal-Raseay."

"No need to send me off my friend; I know the way."

Lord Dal-Raseay rose from his seat like a young sapling stretching for Rhyun, gives a mighty yawn and walks through an adjacent door. Two of Lord Dal-Raseay's servants trail after.

Lord Jerrath faces Desolation, "Have Myorla and Ceres show you the practice room." Turning to Wind of the Skar'Lette Blossoms and asks, "Would you like to take a seat?"

Desolation pivots away out of sight. Her hypnotic susurration has Lord Jerrath staring.

"Quite an enticing attire," Wind mildly says.

"Ah yes, your kind can see through marques."

"Have no fear your secret is safe. She has remarkable potential as a Will user."

"I know."

"There will be plenty of candles to discuss this topic but I would prefer somewhere more private, after dinner perhaps?"

"I'll have Gregoire send for you."

"Excellent. I must be off. I am eager to see what your bride has to offer."

Lord Jerrath traverses to his study, pausing to admire the freshly cut Orchids and the Chocolate cosmos their scent only a drop in a dollop of his thoughts.

Could Desolation be devastatingly important that it forces a Feelinai to travel the length of Tiygur with a young Feelina in tow solely to teach Desolation?

Did he want to know the answer?

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