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My day starts off just like any other. I wake up at 7:30, shower with my playlist on blast, brush my teeth with a bamboo toothbrush (of course), get dressed for the day then run across the hall to wake Athena up. She HATES when I wake her but she constantly asks me to do it so I think she's may just be a masochist.

"I told you to stop doing that. One day VERY soon I'm gonna sleep with a bat next to me. So when you wake me up I take no responsibility for your black eye. THEN when the cops ask what happened I'm just saying it was a sudden development of paranoia that compelled me to buy a bat".
And just like every day before this I laugh and say, "You've thought so deeply about this, you add to this story everyday and yet I still don't see a bat lying around".
I chuckle as she rolls her eyes and turns back over in her bed, "Close the blinds on the way out the light is giving me a headache".
"I'm pretty sure staying up all night scrolling through Pinterest and fantasising about the aesthetics you can't afford are what's giving you all these headaches, but I love you so I'll close them anyway. But don't forget we have to go to class soon, you have half an hour".
"HALF AN HOUR! You did this on purpose you absolute cretin. You always wake me up so I have more time!".
"Yeah but today needed some more flavour, I thought today would be more amusing if I got to see the panic in your eyes".

I turned the corner and ran out of the door before she actually had the chance to go buy a bat.
I finished getting ready, checked my outfit in the mirror, sprayed the last of my Cherry Blossom perfume and headed for the door. Athena met me outside the apartment building and we left for class.

Last year Athena and I decided to take the initiative and do our small part to reduce CO2 emissions by riding the train.
Realistically it was just an excuse we used because I failed the driving test too many times and she felt bad for me.

The train was running late and so were we. We had 10 minutes until the train came but only 15 until we had to be in class. The panic started to set in, the kind of panic you get when you regret doing something but it's too late to change it. Like if I had just woken Armani up when I usually do we wouldn't be in this situation. I guess she started  to notice my dissociative mumbles  and the loud bouncing of my leg as I grew more withdrawn from the conversation.

"Chill out, we'll be fine. Look, there's a little café over there, go get us something to drink to save us some time before the train gets here."
I looked up at her. It's scary how well she knows me, from that look alone she reassures me.
"Don't worry if the train gets here before you do, I'll spam your phone so you can run back over ok?"
I nodded and made my way over to the café. I guess this is why we became friends she always knew the signs before I did, and exactly how to take my mind off of things.

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