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I haven't slept yet. My eyes are getting heavy, my brush strokes, sloppy and I haven't even finished the painting yet. My stomach is wailing  for coffee and I've nearly run out of paint. Just my luck this is what I get for leaving it too long. But then again the only reason I keep procrastinating is because I always get the work done anyway.

I often find myself speaking to my paintings when I'm sleep deprived, but I mostly just convince myself that it's a dream. Which, now that I think about it makes no sense. How could I be dreaming then wake up to find my painting finished?
"Ovie you shouldn't question the universe, it's only trying to look out for you".
I laugh to my self in a half-lazed smirk and rise to get more coffee, however I guess the universe was not very amused by me, as the last of the paint fell from my lap and to the floor.
My sleep-drunk state decided that coffee would be the only remedy for my frustration and so I wondered over to the kitchen. Apparently I forgot to stock it though since the only things left in the cupboard was crackers and a frying pan, how it got there is too far back in my mind to remember.

I jog to the bathroom to quickly wash my face, the mirror seems to be appalled by my appearance to make me look so bad, but coffee was the only thing on my mind. I dried my face, walked down the staircase and went straight out the door.

Typically I'd go to my local market place to buy paint but the craft store was all out. I was visibly annoyed by this, but the little old lady who owned the store was so cute that it would've hurt my heart to give her any stress. Upon leaving the store however, I realised I would have to do one my least favourite things, and go downtown.

I hated the large gatherings of people.  Everything about them always made me uncomfortable, how close they all were, how fast they were moving and most of all I hated how none of them could ever take the time to appreciate the surroundings.

Before my sleep-drunk state could completely take over, I spotted a nice small café. From the outside I could see that there wasn't many people inside and that alone was calling my name.

I opened the door and out came this shorter lady with 2 drinks in her hands as she walks right into me. Suddenly reminding of yet another thing I hate about being downtown, the people were always too focussed on themselves to notice others. The lady never looked up but instead in a meek voice said, "Sorry", then hurried away. She never bothered to look up so I never saw her face I just caught an amazing whiff of Cherry Blossoms from off of her.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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