Chapter 4

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"What you mean you two have to leave?" I ask

"Yes and Im so sorry elizabeth."  One of the two dark figures said.

"We can write to eachother right?" I ask

"I dont think so ellie. Now we have to go!" The other said running away crying the other boy chasing after him.


Elizabeth Pov

I wake up in a jolt, I was in the room I woke up in.

I had that dream again. I still dont know who the two people are.

I heard a light knocking on the door. "Oh its open!" I reply. Getting out of bed still in my same clothes as yesterday that Diane gave me.

Zeldris walked in the room. "Get ready I want you to come with me." He said coldly. "Oh ok." I tell him.

"I will be waiting outside for you so be quick about it." He says coldly.

I quickly get ready in some clothes Diane left for me to change into. I brush my hair and put on my shoes.

I step out of the room, zeldris waiting there for me.

"Tch, you took long enough." He complained. "Follow me" He ordered.
I did he told me to do, not wantimg to make him mad at me.

"S-so where are we going?" I ask him. He looks me dead in the eye and tells me its none of my buiness and I should just follow him.


Zeldris Pov

I hate beinging this cold to her but I have too. What if she regains her memories of me and meliodas and she gets hurt.

I could never forgive myswlf of she got hurt because of me.

Im so sorry elizabeth. We left you but now your back and meliodas can be happy again.

She looks simmlar to when I saw her all those years ago, she just has a  more femmine look now.

I took her to the garden area. She stoped to look around for a second before catching up to me.

We walked to the other side of the castel. It is the side I mainly stay in.
"So are you a holy knight too?" Elizabeth asks me, I nodded in response.

We make it to the room I wanted to show her. It had a table two chairs and a bookcase in it.

I told her to sit down and wait for me so she did. I went and grabbed some food for us to eat.

I came back and put the food infront of her. She thanked me and we started eating.

This will be intresting talking to her again.

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