Important Things to Know BEFORE Reading

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There are mentions of attempted suicide in this story. I wrote this to cope with the loss of a friend and I don't want this ever to happen again. The story follows something similar to what my friend went through, only with a happier ending. 

This will be a series that will progress from the pain that the characters experience. This will be a hard read but the next books will be easier. There are a few more trigger warnings that include; attempted rape/sexual harassment, cutting, eating disorders, and depressive thoughts. Please, please read this with caution and know what you can and can't handle. 

If you are thinking of suicide, please DON'T DO IT! YOU ARE LOVED. I LOVE YOU. THE WORLD NEEDS YOU. PLEASE CALL 1-800-237-8255 or message me. I'm willing to listen to your story. I might not respond right away, but you are special. You are loved. You are wanted. You are needed. You are you and the world needs you. 🙂

I value life and it is too precious to lose in my opinion. I know that things are hard, now with Corona and everything but it doesn't change that you are still alive. That is an accomplishment and should be celebrated.

Again, please read with caution and I hope that it is written well.

Lastly, I do not own SGE or the characters. There are a few OC's that are there for the purposes of "place holders" but we won't hear a lot from them. This is also after TLEA and QFG didn't happen. I am re-writing this from Quotev and at the time, TLEA was the last book out.

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