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There are two (2) curse words in this work. The end is also very...crack-ish? 

The first night, she and Tedros fell asleep on the couch in the library.

The next night, he sunk into her room.

The next two weeks, they still slept in her room, only they were both sick.

"I hate being sick." Tedros grumbled, face planting into one of her pillows. A stupidly soft pillow that almost made her motion sick as she often sunk into the silky, feather stuffed, pillow on her side of the bed. 

"I know." Agatha said, shifting. She also hated being sick, on her cycle. Her returning cycle. As if her body was mad at her for the neglect she put it through; it decided to return her cycle and make it hard to return to her normal body weight. With Tedros around however, it was close to impossible to skip a meal. Resting was also impossible with Tedros repeating himself every 30 seconds. 

"It feels like something's sitting on me." Tedros whimpered, sneezing into his elbow. Agatha rolled her eyes, curling in on herself more. 

"If you plan to complain over and over, repeating the same damn things, you can go to your own room." She snapped, pulling the covers over her again. She felt the bed shift behind her, looking over to see Tedros sitting up. He looked like hell warmed over and from the look on his face, she probably looked worse.

"What's got you in a mood?" He asked, feeling her forehead. "You don't feel any warmer than a few minutes ago, but I can't feel right anyway." He said, shivering and slipping back under the covers. "Are you feeling alright?" Tedros continued, looking at her with wide eyes, sniffling.

"My head is killing me and my body is deciding it's mad I didn't give it a child and everything." Agatha deadpanned, freezing when she realized what she said. Tedros knew by virtue of being her fiancé about her missing cycle; the records being offered to her to share with Sophie (her only living family currently), or Tedros.

She chose to share with Tedros.

"It's back?" Tedros asked, softly. Agatha rolled on her other side to face him, giving a small nod. 

"Yeah, and pissed off I guess. I can't say I missed cramping." Agatha tried to joke, looking at him with a weak smile and laugh. Tedros looked at her once more before getting up from the bed and walking over to the doors, peering out and whispering something to one of the guards. "What was that about?" Agatha questioned, looking at him as he rushed back to the bed and got under the covers. He waited while she coughed, rubbing her back when she sat up. 

"It was Chaddick. I asked him to ask Prudence to bring you your heat thingy that you used the first few months here." Tedros sneezed, groaning as he lay back down. Agatha blushed, although, that might've been the fever, when she realized he really paid attention to her the first few weeks and noticed more than he was often given credit for. She lay down again, rubbing her cold feet to try and get feeling in them.

"Oh." Was all Agatha could say as she curled back into the bed, flipping to lay on her other side once more. "Thanks I guess." She continued, closing her eyes and focusing on breathing. 

She kept her eyes closed as the bed shifted.

She kept her eyes closed when some of Tedros' heat appeared behind her.

She kept her eyes closed when he hesitantly reached an arm out to brush her arm.

"Can I hold you?" He asked, voice soft. Agatha opened her eyes, looking at his arm that was resting on her shoulder. Raising an eyebrow, she looked at him and noted his shiny eyes, looking a into her eyes for an answer.

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