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Sokka and Toph walked the early streets of republic city. The artistic golden sun rising over the mountains. The warm and sweet morning breeze. Birds chirping, the sprinklers watering the grass.

"Remind me again why I came along with you and why it had to be this early" Toph complained with a yawn.

She only agreed to come because Sokka wouldn't stop begging for her to come along. She wasn't a morning person and Sokka knew that. So him asking her to come along was a little odd, But he is her best friend after all, so she gave in after all.

"Because, I'm your best friend and I have to get this assignment done" Sokka explained

"It's like 7:30, couldn't this wait another hour?"

"No, because I have a whole day planned for us." Toph groaned at the idea of being out of the house all day. "Oh come on, it's better than staying at your house doing nothing" Toph rolled her eyes and flipped him off.

Sokka rolled his eyes, "Now come on, we should eat breakfast before we get the day started. I found a diner where we can eat,"

Sokka grabbed Toph's hand and pulled her to wherever they were going to have for breakfast. When they arrived, Sokka opened the door like he always did. But this time it felt different for Toph. Like it had a different meaning and not just a friendly gesture.

They get seated at a booth and are given their menus. They order their milkshakes and Sokka read the menu to Toph. They decide on 2 'bacon & cheddar' burgers with a side of waffle fries, and chicken strips for them the share after.

Soon they ordered their food and talked while they waited.

"So what is this assignment about?" She asked, trying to get a concept of what the day would be like.

"Something about capturing the beautiful moments," He explained

"So you know nothing about this assignment" Toph corrected. Sokka pouted, "What's so beautiful about the city anyway? It's all cars and trash everywhere, and graffiti"

"Graffiti can be beautiful. Besides, there are the piers and parks and city lights and ... other stuff"

Toph huffed her bangs out of her - useless - eyes and leaned back in her seat. Their milkshakes arrive and their food soon after. They ate and talked about other things until they finished. Sokka paid and they left the diner with their leftover food and milkshakes.

Sokka "showed" Toph around the city since she doesn't leave her house much because of her parents. Toph's parents had approved of Sokka being a friend of Toph's - much to both of their surprise - Which is why Toph was able to leave the house. He showed that he cared for the earthbender and would protect her no matter what. At least that's what her father said to him when they met.

Sokka liked Toph, more than a friend, and getting her parents approval made him happy. Either way, if Toph didn't feel the same way, he would still protect her and keep her happy.

While taking Toph around the city, he also took pictures for his assignment. What Toph didn't know, was that he was also taking picture of her (Secretly). He knew if he told - or asked - her, she would say no because of how insecure she was of her looks. She doesn't show that's she insecure of her looks, because she doesn't want to look vulnerable.

Sokka would tell her she was beautiful whenever he got the chance. And he swears on the spirits, that he would see a blush creep up in Toph's cheek every time. It always brought butterflies to him when he made her blush.

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